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Manik was sitting on the bed going through a file when he heard the door click. Nevertheless, he continued with his file.

"Are you going to the hospital Nandini?" asked Manik still busy signing a few papers. He knew Nandini had entered the room and even without seeing it physically, he knew she was trying to not make sounds at all that would disturb him. She knew he was working on something important.

"No, I am going out with Bhai, do you want to come?" asked Nandini busy finding out a suitable outfit for herself.

"I don't want to intrude your plans with your brother" said Manik looking at her and keeping the file aside.
"But if I can get a few minutes with my wife before you leave?" asked Manik standing behind her with his hands in his pockets. Nandini turned around with a smile.
Manik held her loosely with one of his hands and his other hand opened the drawer besides her. He took out a black matte finished box and closed the drawer . Nandini looked at him and the box which he gently placed in her hand. Nandini raised her eyes , she had no clue why was she being gifted today and what? Manik looked down and the box and gestured her to find it for herself.

Nandini sighed and opened the box to find a beautiful pendant. Smiling, she took it out and traced it with her fingers.

"Lovely this is Manik, but why suddenly?" asked Nandini

"My friend has started a jewellery shop in Bandra, I went there and thought of buying this for you . Besides, I really like this " said Manik taking it from her hands and making her wear it as she adjusted her hair onto one side.

"Nice, thankyou so much" said Nandini dropping a quick peck on his lips making him smile.

"And now I am going for a meeting, have fun and if it gets too late, call me, I will pick you up. Take care" said Manik wearing his blazer.

"You too, take care" said Nandini as Manik zoomed out of the room muttering a quick bye.

Soon after, Nandini too went to the mall where she and Abhimanyu had decided to meet.


"Hello Nandini, where are you?" asked Abhimanyu on the other side of the phone

"Bhai, I am just coming. Stuck in traffic" said Nandini .

"Finally, you made it after an hour" said Abhimanyu as he hugged her tight.

"Sorry Bhai but I cannot control the traffic" said Nandini sitting at her place.

"So what's the plan?" asked Nandini

"For now, we are waiting for Nia" said Abhimanyu.

"WHATT!? You did not tell me she would be coming Bhai" said Nandini shocked. She had no clue at all that Abhimanyu was going to introduce her to his girlfriend .

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