Chapter 49

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    I also glanced at it: "It's not small, I don't occupy a lot of space."

    It's better to be small, and the two of them can squeeze together.

    Wen Nuan glanced at xiong, who could not be ignored by You Daier, how could this not take up space?

    "Then I don't want to wash."

    Wen Nuan pushed her away and walked straight back to the room.

    You Dai'er frowned: "You have my blood on your body, you can't bear the smell of blood and fall asleep."

    Warming his hands on his chest, his eyes narrowed: "What do you want?"

    "I just want to take a bath with you. "

    Youdel couldn't understand why Nuan should care about this kind of thing, two women taking a bath together and doing nothing else.

    Do something else?

    Youdel's pupils shrank.

    "You want to take a bath with me?" Wen Nuan sneered, "Then why should I take a bath with you?"

    Just as You Daier was about to speak, she was interrupted by Wen Wen.

    "I never owe you anything, what right do you have to point fingers at me?"

    Youdai'er paused, looking at the warmth in disbelief.

    For the first time, she felt at a loss and panic, because every word of the warm words touched her heart, and every word was true.

    Warmth never owes her anything.

    If you count it carefully, she owes a lot of warmth.

    Looking at You Dai'er's hurt expression, Wen Nuan continued to stab her with words: "You Dai'er, I already said that if you want revenge, even if you come to kill me, I will not fight back."

    "There has never been any feeling between you, and the reason why I tolerate you messing around with me time and time again is not because I am afraid of you, but because I have nothing to do with you."

    "It's just that I didn't expect some things to change too fast, I would become the vampire I hate the most, I can't see the light, I can only drink blood for a living, and the person who caused all this is you, how can you let me not feel resentment against you What?"

    You Dai Er clenched her fists and stared at the warmth, her chest floating violently, like a powder keg that was about to explode.

    She took a step closer to Nuan Nuan, but saw Nuan Nuan take a step back, "You hate me so much?"

    "I...I thought about hugging you for the first time, but...but I didn't continue..."

    Wennuan sneered and interrupted "If you hadn't fed me blood, how could I have become a vampire."

    Youdel roared, "If I didn't feed you blood, you would have died!"

    "Death," Wen Nuan sighed, "I'm never afraid of death, because it will always come one day, even if I become a vampire, even if I live forever, I would rather die in a sunny day than live in a cold and lonely darkness."

    Youdai'er seemed to be pierced in her heart . Like Thorn, she tried her best to resolve the anger in her heart, her voice trembling: "Is it because of me that you hate vampires so much?"

    Looking at You Daier warmly and without warmth, she asked, "What do you think?"

    Dai'er lowered her head, her originally strong back collapsed as if her bones had been broken by someone.

When the heroine becomes paranoid (Quick Wear) [GL] [MTL]Where stories live. Discover now