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As an 8-year-old, child of the richest genius that ever existed what more would have been needed. Iron Man is a symbol of hope and a man who searches for how many problems can be taken care of with enough funding and the proper technology.

"Rapunzel mourns the death of Eugene, and one of her tears saves his life, still having some of the sun's power in it. Eugene reunites Rapunzel with her real parents, is fully pardoned for his crimes, and he and Rapunzel are married as the kingdom celebrates..." Dad reads.

"Do you think Repunzel was a superhero?" I ask.

Dad stands up pondering long and hard about how to answer this, "Well pumpkin if you think of it... Anybody could be a superhero in their own right. For example, would you think a green giant would be a great superhero? Me neither, but still we have Hulk."

"Dad you always say that..." I whined.

He leans down kissing me on my forehead and tucking me into the bed.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow, night I love you pumpkin," he jested.

"Fine, fine... I love you, papa... Night," I mumbled.

I sigh one last time, before falling asleep.

A sudden shatter of my bedroom window woke me. I shut my eyes but listened ever so slightly. The wood floors creaked closer. The Jarvis alarm system went off. The sounds wailed through the empty halls of the stark tower. Two arms slid under me, they picked me up without a struggle as if I was only dead weight. My bedroom door swung open. I lifted my head to see my father frozen in fear, I looked at the man who was carrying me he was giant.

Tears started to form and my throat became croaky, I looked at my father and wailed, "Papa please, help me-" My father lifts his right hand that was covered in a part of the Iron Man suit.

He shot continued blasts, but the man dodge each one by only doing the bare minimum.

My father mouthed 4 words to me," I am sorry Y/N-"

The man that was carrying me looked at my dad and grinned, "Hail Hydra!"

The man walked closer to the window and jumped. Right below us was a small hovering jet. The man threw me with a single toss into the jet from a hatch that was on the roof. He followed me jumping down. Another soldier came toward me and injected me with some sleep-inducing formula.

When I woke up, I was in a cold concrete cell. I looked at the 4 walls that encased me. On one side, there is a titanium door and opposite a small barded window. It... It was snowing, it hardly ever snows near the Stark tower, how far am I, where am I.

I shrivel against one of the walls into a small ball, crying and weeping, waiting for my dad to come. The door swung open, a bit of hope that it would be papa coming to save me. But that Hope was crushed. A scientist and two armed guards enter the room.

"Excellent, just excellent..." The crazy scientist moved from side to side, flailing from excitement

"How extraordinary that brain of yours is. I know you already examined the room, I know you already tried to think of a way to escape. But my little sheep, you're Hydra's now, you're Hydra's defenseless sheep, but fear not I will make you powerful, just you wait." The man comes closer and closer, face to face with me he laughs, "From now on you are Agent Stark, a wolf in sheep's clothing." He looks at the soldier and demands the files.

He looks it over, from what I could see, its documents of me.

"Oh, no-no-no sheep. Here it says your father called you Y/N, Oh no-no-no. I think Agent Stark fits you much much better."

The Blue Siren (Spider-Man x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now