* Big Day *

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Jungkook pov ;

Bella - jungkook I can't believe we are getting married seriously I am so happy today

Jungkook - yes I'm Also very happy you know after marrige we are going to honeymoon  on your dream place

Bella face lit up and she said

Bella - Argentina

She asked excitedly and I nodded and I said

Jungkook - not only Argentina we are also going to Paris.

Bella is now super happy she said

Bella - seriously thankyou so much jungkook .

Suddenly Bella phone ring and she picked up . After 4 or 5 min she cut the call and said to me .

Bella - jungkook actually liya called me and said that she want party from me today for our wedding so for now I have to go ok .

Liya is Bella very close friend she is also my friend so I nodded before Bella leave said me something

Bella - jungkook don't forget that I am always with you in any  situation.

I smile and then Bella leave .

After 3 hours I got a call from liya I picked up and my world broke . I  hear that thing that I never expected

Liya- ju...n..kook b..ell.a .is ...no more..she ...got ..I.. nto...and ....acc...i. dent...and do..c..tor...can't save... her ahhhh

She is sobbing and crying . And my world is also froze.

Liya - we are in..s..eoul ...c..ity......hos....pital

I ran in out of the mansion and drive the car in full speed I am not in my sense I can't lose my Bella that easily . I came hospital and got off my car and ran in hospital and ask the receptionist.  She tell me the Floor and I took stairs expect lift Iam on that floor and liya crying very much I took slow steps toward her and she looked at me . I asked her in stuttered

Jungkook - w.h..ere is...bell..a

Liya pointed the finger on door  and I looked at the room and go in and  liya body is laying lifeless on that bed lifeless . I lost my complete sense and and said to Bella

Jungkook - love plzz wake up . Look I'm here . Plzz don't play with me . Jagiya wake up your jungkook is here open your eyes liya . Bella  plzz pl...zz open your eyes . You promised me that you never leave me and be with me in any situation plzz wake up

Now I'm begging and crying I started crying loudly and Bella didn't wake up

JungkooK - BELLA PLZZ WA..KE ..UP .....PLZ...Z

I suddenly woke up and saw a white ceiling I am in my room on my bed I am breathing heavily , I touch my face and feel wet on my cheek I am crying in sleep that meaning it's just a dream Bella is already leave this world .  I took my phone and saw today is Wednesday so it means its  my wedding with y/n .

I can't believe that. 

Than I get up from. Bad and get ready because dad tell me to come at venue at 9:00 and bring y/n with me cuz she take time to get ready . When I am fully ready I  left my room and came down stairs and tell maid to bring y/n . Because we are getting late

End of jungkook pov ;

Y/n pov ;

Today I get up early and today is jungkook and my wedding I even can't express my feeling . Because I never thought about this day  will come this soon . I am sitting on my bed all ready to go to venue my dress make up , jewelleries and other accessories maid already send to the venue . Iam getting nervous although that is not my first time because I already face this situation 2 time first in party and 2 in engagement but today is a big day where my and jungkook life going to change . Where me and jungkook both have to understand each other .

✅Her little Space Syndrome jj.k (Under Editing )Where stories live. Discover now