f o u r t e e n

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// day twelve //

"You ready to go in?" Currently Riley and Aspen were back at Ross' house.

The last thing they wanted to do was spend a lot of time there. It was gonna be an "in" and "out" type of visit.

"Ehh, but it's not like I have a choice." Aspen shrugged, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Let's go."

The two walked to the door, where Aspen pulled out the spare key from under the mat.

Why do they even have a spare key? It's pretty stupid for "celebs" to have a spare key but that's not the point.

"So, what do you need?" Riley asked getting really uncomfortable since she didn't know if anyone was there.

"Just grabbing my stuff. It's all packed up and ready to go. They should be in the living room."

"Ahh, here they are." Riley said pointing to some boxes in the corner of the living room.

They loaded the few boxes in Riley's car that was parked down the street, just in case Ross or the others were to come home.

"Is that it?"

"I should check Ross' room one last time... you coming?" Aspen was already on her way up to the stairs to his room.

Riley was hesitant at first but went anyways.

They looked around just making sure that they grabbed everything.

Riley opened up his closet and saw a bra in one of his hampers.

"Uhh, is this yours?" Riley asked picking up the bra by one of the straps.

"Uhh- yeah, thanks." Aspen blushed taking it from her hands and stuffing it in her purse.


They kept looking around and one of them noticed his calendar on that was on his mirror.

Ross was always busy so his calendar was the only thing to keep him somewhat organized.

"Hey, Riley come look at this."


"It says that today that he's gonna be at set all day and that he won't be returning until late and that the rest of the band are at the recording studio."

"Wait, his keys are here. He must have gotten a ride for Calum."

At the same exact time they looked at each other and their eyes lit up.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh yeah. Let's do this."


The girls were currently in the garage egging Ross' sleek and clean black car.

This was revenge.

And heck, they could be doing way worst to his car, so he's lucky it's only eggs.

"Oh, damn. I forgot my phone in his room, be right back." Riley mentioned to Aspen, already out the garage.

She walked up to his room, gasping, at what was before her eyes.

"Ross!" She semi- screeched. He was looking at Riley's phone confused.

"Hi? What are you doing here?" Ross turned around and Riley snatched her phone out his hands.

"Real question is, what are you doing here?" Riley was beyond nervous.

I mean it's not like she's scared of Ross just because she's egging his car. It was just shocking seeing him.

"The crew sent everyone home early- I was just on my way to the studio- wait this is my house, I asked you first." Ross shot at her.

"It doesn't matter, bye."

"No, wait we need to talk." Ross walked in front of her before she could leave his room and closed the door.

"Let me out."


"Ross, I'm not playing. Let me out."

"And neither am I. We need to talk. This is serious, and you know you can't avoid this conversation forever."

"What is there to talk about?! You were playing me and Aspen for the longest time. You're the one that screwed up, there's nothing to discuss."

"Riley, I'm not gonna say that I'm sorry because I know that's the last thing you want to hear, but what was I supposed to do?"

"Tell me the truth! This is the second time you've lied to me big time and I just can't forgive you again so easily this time around."

He just sighed and looked down not knowing what to do.

She sighed, "Tell me, who do you want to be with?"


"Wrong answer."


"Ross, you need time to just yourself. The break between me and Aspen was way too short and I don't know if it's because you feel the need to have a girlfriend. Take some time and think about yourself, because you know damn well I'll be doing that and so will Aspen."

She was on her way out when Ross grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

He was sitting on his bed and he continued pulling her towards him until she was inbetween his legs.

Riley pushed a strand of his loose blonde hair back in its normal place.

He leaned in and Riley closed it off, while putting her hands at each side of his cheeks.

Their noses brushed against one another as they pulled away from each kiss, but eventually going back.

Ross slowly bit her bottom lip, pulling at it lightly. It was insane at how high the sexual tension was in that room, when it shouldn't be.

"I love you, you know that right?" Ross whispered after pulling away, rubbing his hand up and down her arms. She had goosebumps, which is normal when she's around Ross.

"Well, you have an awful way of showing it." She went back in for yet another kiss, when his hands began to rise up her shirt, rubbing her stomach.

What Ross did was shitty but of course here goes Riley getting lost in her emotions.

"Hey, Riley you okay up here- Oh." Aspen said walking in at the worst moment possible.

The two looked at Aspen after pulling away. Ross let go of his firm grip from Riley's waist, sighing a little.

"Well that's my signal to go." Riley said quickly pushing past Aspen who was against the door frame.

She gave a "are you kidding me" kind of look to Ross after crossing her arms.

He slowly fell back onto his bed.

He shook his head and rubbed his temples frustrated.

Of course this situation just keep getting worse and worse.

But then again, there's only one person to blame.


[Author's Note] hello guys, what's up.

really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I for sure enjoyed writing it.

but how do you feel about riley kissing ross. i mean the heart wants what it wants, am i right ladies?

anyways, go check out my new fanfic called apple juice pls.

stay smiling 🌞

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