Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Walking to the bus stop that one sunny Monday morning , earphones in, coat left at home and wishing I had worn a skirt.
Must be summer...

Up ahead I see my friend Mya , looking at the road ahead , looking glum and checking her watch every 2 minuets .. typical.... but that was a good thing about Mya . In the past 9 years that I have known her I have never been late for anything . I got to class on time every day ,when we went to places like the cinema we were always in the right seats and in the right room .
She was the sensible one of the group ....sometimes ....

We got onto the bus and got past the creepy bus driver. Today he was offering sweets to everyone . I didn't take one if you were wondering. You shouldn't take sweets from strangers.

The day pretty much went like this

Form- talk to friends that some of them I can't even stand.
Science- try to stay awake and look like I'm interested .
English- frantically write down notes for our next assignment .
French- try to concentrate but end up messing around with my friend izzy or copying her because I can't be bothered.
Art- just try to get the lesson over with so I can go to dinner.
DT- mess around with Mya , Jonni Mai and Bethany my other two friends at school.

I was about to go to dinner with the girls when I received a text.
It was from Oliver .

Oliver ...
The man slag , apparently him and his mates have a bet that by the end of the year they need to have 20 girlfriends. So far he has had 17 girlfriends this year . Each and every girl was convinced that they were the one that could change him . The person who that he would love forever .The "one".
If you believe in that sort of thing anyway .

"Hi how r u??

Was all it said but to me I knew it was a game. And I refused to be number 18.
So I went on with my day and soon enough I was on the bus on the way home with Mya again.

That text at the back of my mind .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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