Whoa- Chapter Nineteen

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"Dr. Marcus, ICU room 23." the PA system said, "That's Liam's room." Karen said, soon the three of then were running to the other side of the ICU.

"Charge to two hundred." someone said, all Louis could see was his brother's body jump, "Charging, clear." someone else said, Liam's body jumped again.

"Charge to two fifty." the person said, "Charging, clear." the person said again, Liam's body jumped.

After a few more minutes they heard the worst words ever, "Call it." Karen scream "No" and fell on to Geoff who caught her, Louis looked at the room, "Six twenty nine." someone said.

Niall sat, barely breathing, both of his parents sit by his bed, along with his older brother, "Why's it so quite in her?" Niall got out after a few minutes, contemplating weather or not to speak up, "Oh Niall." Maura said, walking up to Niall, he wasn't even two steps away.

"What? Why? Where am I?" Niall questioned, getting slightly scared, his last memory was him and Harry having a good time, then Liam came.

"Your in a hospital, do you remember what happened?" Greg asked, Maura just sat there watching her two sons interact, trying to decide when is the best time to tell them the news, Niall shook his head no, then thought about it a bit more.

After the fight between Liam and Harry started to get more advanced, he got in between the two teens, trying to make sure they didn't get hurt, well because of him being quite a bit shorter than them, they didn't see him, and kept fighting, soon Niall shoved Liam quite ruffly into a tree after Liam started to get more aggressive, Harry charged after Liam, thinking he was leaving the fight, running into Niall, soon they were fighting closer, with Niall stuck.

Niall shook his head yes, then went back to being quiet.

Harry sat in the ICU room alone, nothing else to be expected, "I can't believe that I practically killed Niall, sure Liam probably did something to deserve it, but I killed the only person that would ever want to be with me." Harry said soon a nurse walked in and asked how he was doing, Harry just nodded a fine.

"I wonder if Zayn is somewhere here, his little brother is in the hospital." Harry wondered out loud, he then faintly heard someone scream 'No' that was held out for a while and Harry thought nothing of it, they were in the ICU, people were bound to die.

That is when Louis lost it all, he couldn't see straight, what had even happened, Louis will never be able to tell him about him and Zayn, Liam will never know any of this.

"No Liam!" Louis screamed, all of his years of being quiet, listening, all of these years of doing as he was told, all of his pent up wild side, all broke lose, to get to his older brother.

"Lou! Get back here." Geoff tried reaching out to his youngest, and now only, step son, but Louis knew that was going to happen and moved out of the way, and ran to Liam.

A few nurses and interns tried to stop him.

Louis remembered that one time Liam taught him CPR, and he started chest compressions, "C'mon Liam, if you die, I will never, ever, forgive you." Louis mumbled, soon the machine started to find Liam's heart beat.

Karen, who's head was in Geoff's shoulder, looked at, seeing Louis standing near Liam, who was alive, breathing, and will be talking soon as well.

After an hour Liam was awake, but after receiving CPR he has two broken, or at lease cracked, ribs.

"I'm not leaving your side, Lili." Louis pouted, he really wanted to make sure that his older brother was okay, "What about when you have to go to school tomorrow?" Liam asked, not wanting to be alone, but he knew that both his mother and Geoff have a very important meeting to get to, they will be in one until midnight tonight, and one that starts at seven tomorrow and goes until one.

"Uh, I don't know, but I won't be leaving." Louis said firmly, he wanted everyone to know, that even though he doesn't like hospitals, that his isn't going to care, and will stay for Liam's sake.

"Okay, when I'm out, we are going to get some ice cream, and it is going to be three scoops." Liam said, Louis nodded.

Soon a nurse came back into Harry's room, asked if he wanted anything to eat, he shook his head no, knowing he hardly had enough money to ever pay off this hospital bill, so he is adding no expense to it.

"Ni, baby, you have to eat something." Maura cooed, Niall has been refusing to eat, not because he suddenly decided to stop eating, or any other reason, its because he can't stop thinking, he knows that Liam has died, and it is all his fault, it hurts him to think, he could have pulled Harry off of Liam, and then pulled Liam away to the car, but no, he decided to try to act bigger than he is, and put three teenage boys into the hospital.

"Lou, can you help me with homework?" Liam asked, Louis finished all of his homework, including the two book reports he got today, and has been itching to do something to get his mind off of him staying at Liam's side for a few days, its not that part he minds, it more the, staying in the hospital part.

Louis nodded, going over to Liam's backpack, and taking out a textbook, and started doing Liam's homework.

Soon Liam fell asleep, and the shift was over, right now is the worst time for someone to die, right now no nurse is assigned any rooms, so if you die right now, you'll stay dead.

Louis was tired enough that he finished all of Liam's homework, put it in his backpack, and started to doze off, he could've swore that he felt some arms of something around his waist and soon he was asleep. Gone.

Liam woke up ten minutes later, "Lou? Did I sleep talk?" Liam asked with his eyes closed, when he didn't get a reply, he opened his eyes, and looked at Louis' phone on his tray, clicked it to lock screen the bright light flashed a number 9:11, "Hmpf, Louis must be either asleep or getting food." Liam said out loud.

"Guess I should get back to sleep." Liam sighed.

"Where am I?" Louis asked in a dazed voice, no answer.

Sorry for the long @$$ wait, I just haven't had any inspiration, well now I need to go to school.

Save me from my math teacher!!

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