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"Hey, Joe."

Adam entered the lab, heading straight toward Joe's working space. She nodded her head in greeting, too engrossed in her laptop to actually reply. For the past few days, her focus was solely on updating and reinforcing the encryption used for the data in the Davenport Industries network. This sudden shift in her work ethic was most definitely fueled by Chase who had criticized her position and urged her to start doing something of essence.

"And Leo," Leo added, offended by being overlooked.

Adam spun around to face the boy. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, Leo. But I'm kinda here to talk to Joe."

He got a blank stare from Leo, causing him to sigh. "Alright. Guess I can find some time for you too."

Leo grinned and rose to his feet. Once positioned in the middle of the lab, he inhaled and looked back to Adam. "Attack me," he urged, encouraging Adam to do so with open arms.

Adam grimaced as if he could see straight through Leo.

"Oh, no, no, no. I know how this works. First, you tell me to attack you, I say no and then you taunt me till I snap. It's not gonna happen," he said. Leo, hellbent on enraging the boy, grabbed a water bottle and tossed it at his chest. Adam blinked at the water bottle at his feet. "Oh, it's on, little man," he yelled and moved closer to Leo.

He came to a halt when two floating metal balls appeared next to Leo. There was a whirring sound, and the next second; Adam was shot. He flew across the room, landing just next to Joe's station.

The impact caused him to groan but he sat back up in an instant. "Oh, no. The Christmas ornaments are turning against us!"

Joe laughed, her eyes finally leaving her screen and watching Adam stand. He had taken a fighting stance but lost his posture once the orbs flew away. "No need to worry, Add," she assured.

"You just got pulse-waved by my latest invention, Attack Orbs," Leo announced proudly.

"Huh?" Adam tried to look at Joe for an explanation but was disappointed when he found her typing away, concentrating as if she had never stopped.

"When they perceive a threat within five feet of me, they attack. They're mobile robotic bodyguards," Leo explained and led him toward a desk with all his blueprints and notes.

Adam didn't reciprocate his excitement. "Uh, impressive. But have you ever thought about just lifting weights or working out?"

"I designed them to protect you guys from Douglas and Krane. If I'm going to be a true inventor, I have to start making things without Big D. And if I prove myself, maybe he'll eventually let me be his business partner."

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