About that Day!!!

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We were here in CN after long today...
For a celebration....but not a birthday...

It was a beautiful evening....
Maybe the most beautiful evening...
After a long time I had stopped preening....

I wished to look the prettiest today...
I was sure I was going to slay...

I kept walking down the stairs...
And he moved towards me upstairs...

He moved his hand forward....
I changed the side of my foreword...

I gave my hand in his hand...
Thinking how time passed like sand...

How the whole Chavan family became mine....
Thinking all this I was on cloud nine...

We both entered the hall like a king and a queen....
But the carpet there was not red but green....

Kaku had started loving me....
All the members looked at me in glee...

This whole evening was his and mine....
After so long...with everyone....I was going to dine...

Was it for real or just a dream?
But I could see something in Virat's eyes-Gleam...

It was reality...
And I was stuck to the beauty of the lights....the decorations...
And My Virat was the master of these preparations....

I was happy to see all these things but the only thing that was missing was my Aaba's hand on my head...
I could feel each moment I spent with him...
What if he was present here....
My eyes were filled with tears....
As the tears rolled down...
Two tough hands rubbed them gently...
He was looking at me intently...
How lucky I was to have him as my husband....I thought and then smiled...

We both were looking at each other lost in our world...

Until Mohit fake coughed....
Such a mood spoiler he is!!!

All the elders blessed us both...
And went from there....
And sat in their chair....

It was our anniversary and also I became Dr Sai Virat Chavan the day then...

The youngsters were standing congratulating and talking to us....
Samrat dada, Pakhi didi,Mohit bhaiya and Karishma....

We were standing with our juice glasses...
Cheers cheers....seemed like the 3 monkeys were nicely enjoying!!

I was constantly looking at Pakhi didi and Karishma who were looking at me...we were controlling our laughs and were smiling for no reason...

We all had met after so long...
Mohit was about to sing a song...

Ohh!! My Tansen Pls don't sing....
Karishma said and brought 2 rings...

S- Ye rings kyun Karishma?

P- Pehenne ke liye Saii!

I laughed....how could I be so dumb!
Yes....now I could plumb!!

We both exchanged out rings...
While our Photographers Mohit and Pakhi didi...clicked our pics....
And The others cheered...

We cut our cake....and while dancing background looked dake...

It was a yummy meal....
And I shouted with zeal....

Kya khana banaya hai Pakhi didi!

She smiled on my statement...

P- To aur lo na! Par dheere bolo!

All were happy....
They remembered out cat fights....
Now we were sister types...

Virat was happy Because I was happy...
Whole family was looking zappy...

Musk In The Dusk- A Sai Virat OSWhere stories live. Discover now