Lets Do Dis

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~Carlea's POV~

I sit on the cot in the dark basement. Jordan chained my hands behind my back to the frame of the cot. Tears were slipping down my cheeks. Suddenly I hear a gun shot. I squeak in alarm and huddle into the corner. The door opens a moment later, and Jordan comes downstairs dragging Taylor behind him. He shoves Taylor against a wall and leaves him. Jordan walks over to me and I whimper. He puts a hand around my neck and starts choking me.
"You are my property now. And I will not tolerate disobedience. You can watch as Taylor dies. That's what he gets for trying to save you." He snarls at me then releases his hold on my neck. I gasp for air as Jordan leaves, slamming the door behind him.
"T-Taylor..." I whisper.
"I'm.....sorry....Carlea....I tried....to help...." He wheezes. I shake my head.
"No I'm sorry.....I caused you to get hurt...." I say. He looks at me.
"Some people are worth getting hurt for." He tells me....then looks at the ceiling, closes his eyes, and takes his last breath.
"Taylor? TAYLOR!" I screech. Tears were streaming down my face.
"JORDAN YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!! I HATE YOU AND I WILL NEVER LOVE YOU!!! I WONT EVER LISTEN TO YOU, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!" I scream. I scream more obscenities hoping to lure him down here, but to no avail. As I lose my voice, I sob one more time, then pass out.

~Jason's POV~

I peer into a window in the house and see Jordan dragging a bleeding Taylor into the basement. Jordan comes back and then I hear a familiar voice screaming her lungs out. I return to the camp TeamCrafted set up.
"Taylor is dead." I tell them. They all look at me.
"Jordan took him downstairs into the basement, bloody and nearly unconscious. Then I heard her screaming rude comments at Jordan." I explain. Ian hands me a gun.
"We will save her. Don't worry." He says to me. I nod and put on a bulletproof vest. Jerome and Mitch were gonna circle around the house and go in the back way. Ty and Quentin will go in the front and keep Jordan busy. Adam, Ian, and I will go and find Carlea. Adam and Ian will watch my back while I carry her away. Whenever we see Jordan, we will shoot without mercy. We slink through the undergrowth. I motion for Jerome and Mitch to circle around. I wait for the signal to tell me they were in place, then let out a low whistle. Ty and Quentin kick the door in and start firing. Ian and Adam run ahead and glance inside. They waved me in and they followed behind. I find the door to the basement and break it down. Jumping down the stairs, I see Taylor against the wall, dead, and Carlea asleep on a cot in the corner. I shake her awake.
"Carlea come on." I whisper. Tears spring to her eyes. I break the chains off of her and pick her up. Ian comes down stairs.
"We have Jordan surrounded upstairs, if you want to finish it." He says. Carlea looks up the stairs.
"I wanna do it." She tells us. I carry her up the stairs and set her down. We walk into the living room and see Jordan on the ground, every gun pointed at him. I hand Carlea my gun and watch as she goes over to him.
"You shot my best friend, and killed one of my friends. Then you try to kill Jason. You're despicable Jordan. You have ruined my life. Rot in hell like you deserve." She states. She lifts the gun, and pulls the trigger. I nod to Ty and we pour kerosene all over the house and evacuate. Carlea tosses a match into a window, and the house erupts into flames. I watch tears roll down her cheeks and hug her.
"I'm sorry Taylor." She whispers. I kiss her forehead, and lead her away. We get back to our camp and she is immediately covered in hugs from everyone. Ian and Adam were in tears. We spend the rest of the night sitting around a fire and catching up.
"There's something I need to tell everyone." Carlea announces. I hold her hand and nod to her.
"My name isn't Haven. It's Carlea." She reveals to everyone. Ian and Adam weren't happy, and everyone else just shrugged, but after some explaining and convincing, they returned to normal and we chatted for about another hour.
"How is Brittany?" Carlea asks.
"She is gonna recover. We called Preston to take care of her." Ty says. She smiles and when everyone else goes into their tents, we stay. I turn to her. She looks up at me and I lean in ever so slowly. She rolls her eyes and closes the distance. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her passionately. She puts her arms around my neck and tangles up her fingers in my hair. We spend a good five minutes like that, then finally pull apart. I touch my forehead to hers and smile.
"I love you so much Carlea." I whisper.
"I love you so much too Jason." She murmurs. I take her hand and we go onto our tent. She gets in her sleeping bag on one side of the tent, and I just sit on mine. She then bursts out laughing.
"What?" I ask.
"I just remembered. My birthday is tomorrow." She explains. I take a minute to roll this over in my head, and smile. I reach over and kiss her forehead.
"Get some rest love. I'll see you in the morning." I tell her. She smiles and falls asleep. I lay down, and do the same. The last thought I had before I fell asleep, was of her smiling happy face, and that she was finally mine.

*_________*The Next Morning*________*

I wake up early, before Carlea, and get Ian and Adam. We go and buy her a cake and some presents and return to the camp. Everyone else had awoken, except Carlea. We set up a small little party, and I went into our tent. I kneeled beside her and shook her shoulder.
"Love it's time to wake up." I murmur. She groans.
"It's my birthday let me sleeeep." She mutters. I laugh and rip her sleeping bag off of her. She jolts awake at the cold air and glares at me.
"You're horrible!" She says then laughs. I smile and help her up, and walk her outside.
"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone yells and Carlea smiles.
"You did all this for me?" She asks. We all nod and celebrate.
"How old are you now Haven?" Ty wonders.
"I'm now eighteen." She tells everyone. I kiss her deeply and we go back to our little party. That's when I see the scars along her arms. I pull her aside and look at her arms.
"Carlea? Would you like to explain?" I ask her softly. She rubs her arms.
"I've had depression for a long time...and my parents always just said I wanted attention. But I've nearly killed myself and yet it always seems like no one ever cares. I have low self esteem and push away anyone who tries to befriend me, because I always screw everything up." She explains. I kiss her scars.
"You won't ever have to cut again." I murmur. She looks at me and I pull her into my arms and kiss her. After I pull away, we go back to the others, and pack up to go back home to L.A. I notice how hyper she can be, and smile. I was head over heels for that girl, and I couldn't imagine life without her.

A/N: I would like to thank everyone for supporting this story. Y'all mean so much to me. Thank you my Flames!

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