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Happy belated Birthday dear  @thegoldenaviators :)   
Thank you for your friendship!

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She feels sad.

It is one of those days that she wishes she could stay in bed all day and just miss that beautiful soul that was her son. Her Beau not being there with her still hurts so much, it will forever hurt.

But to be in her bed and cry her heart out all day won't do. She has to run some errands.

Since yesterday at dinner, she has been very quiet. They were having lasagna, Beau's favorite, and sometimes it's just things like that, like his favorite dish reminding her that she can never share a meal with her Beau again. She knows that Joe knows what is going on but she does not have any words to say to him...
It is just the day to miss her son. Tomorrow she knows she will be ok.

She dresses up and leaves the house with a "Joe, I'm going out to run some errands. Be back soon. Bye."

Outside, when she reaches her car and opens the door, she finds the most beautiful bouquet of bright YELLOW flowers on her driver's seat.

-Oh, Joe, - a whisper escapes from her soul, and a tear falls down her cheek.

Suddenly she is overwhelmed with feelings of love for her man, that sweet, kind, thoughtful man. She picks the beautiful bouquet of yellow tulips and inhales their sweet scent. A smile can't help but come alive on her face.
There is a note attached in his handwriting, just 3 words, 8 letters, "I love you".

She feels like she has a lump in her throat and she starts crying. Because no matter everything, she is not alone. Her Joe sees her, he hears her, he feels her, he cares and he loves her, he is there, her true north, her constant in life, always.

She closes the car door, and runs inside.

-Baby? - she calls.

She runs to his office where she knows he must be working.

My love! - Joe calls.

She finds him on his feet, strong and tall, arms open waiting for her, while his eyes are warm with understanding and shine bright with love.

She leaves the flowers by the desk and jumps into his arms. He is always there to catch her.

I know - he whispers, and he just holds her, close to his heart, caressing her, kissing her wherever he can reach while she clings to him like a baby. And while she breaks down in his arms, she lets the grief go and holds on tight to his love.

She lifts her head from his chest and looks him in the eyes.

- Thank you, Joe. I love you more than you'll ever know.

-I know, baby. - and he smiles that Joe Biden smile of his. - We will be ok.

And he kisses her like there's no tomorrow...And that's where the light enters. 

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