A restless soul

153 8 3

Springtrap's P.O.V


Pitch black nothingness...

Empty space...

That's all these old eyes of mine can see. Where am I? What is this place? Why am I here? What happened to me? I'm startled out of my daze the moment I hear someone calling for me from behind me.

"William Afton." 

I yelp and turn around quickly to find a shadowy figure standing behind me. They don't have a face, so I can't make out whether they're male or female. But their voice sounded masculine.

"Who are you?"

"That information is irrelevant, Mr Afton."

"What does that mean?"

"Ask a different question."

I stare at the figure, confused and angry. This is really starting to irritate me. I clench my fists and grit my teeth.

"Okay, where the hell am I then?"

"This is my home."

"Not a very good answer."

"All you need to know is that this is not where your soul belongs at the moment."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"It means, now's not the right time to join the rest you murdered in your time, William."

I stomp up to the figure and grab them by what looks like their neck.

"Now you listen here. I don't know what kind of fucking game you're playing with me, but I'm gonna need you to give me the answers I want."

I hear a chuckle from the figure and then a pair of glowing purple eyes appear to in front of me, causing my own to glow the same shade. Startled, I let go of the figure and back away slowly.

"Oh, I'm not playing any games William. Bit if you insist on me giving you a proper answer..."

All of a sudden, the shadowy figure starts changing, a body starts to form, a face starts to appear, and my jaw drops as I realise...the figure is...me. But, with a twisted smile.


With that, I feel the ground under me and I feel myself falling for what feels like eternity, until suddenly, all I see is pitch black darkness once again...

- - -

I suddenly gasp for air and open my eyes, illuminating their signature purple glow, and find myself under a pile of rubble. Then, flashes of the fire start to flash in my mind. The flames surrounding me...the building collapsing...me taking a final look at the burning building before being burried under rubble. Then,I realise that I'm still under that rubble. I try to lift the debris off my body, but to no avail. It's too heavy.

'Damnit...' I think to myself. Then, I hear voices of people nearby, then getting louder and louder.

"Come on man. We've come here a thousand time and always turned back empty handed. What makes you think this times gonna be different?" One voice says.

"I saw something in this spot last night. It looked like some sort of purple glow or something." The other says.

"Yeah, you've been drinking too much alcohol."

"No, I know what I saw. There has to be something here."

"Alright. The sooner I prove you wrong, the faster I can go home. Let's just get this over with."

I hear their footsteps coming closer and the sound of rocks being thrown and a few groans and grunts, and about a minute later, I see two guys looking down at me in amazement. One in shock and the other in triumph.

"I knew it! I told you there was something here!"

"Huh, I guess I should've believed you."


After about three more minutes, those two guys free my body from the rubble and carry my body into a loading truck, where I'm driven to a large building. There, I'm taken inside and introduced to a large man in a suit. I try my best to keep my body still to make sure I don't scare him. He stared at me for a while before muttering to himself.


After that, I later learnt that the building I was taken to was called Fazbear's Fright, a horror attraction, and I was apparently part of it. I've never been to an attraction while I was alive, let alone a horror attraction. My job was to scare anyone that walks through those doors and leave them with nightmare for weeks by the time they leave. Well, one look at me is enough to give you nightmares. It took a while for me to familiarise myself with the building, but once I knew my way around I was able to make it seem like I could travel between rooms instantly, which is how I usually scare some of the staff. It's fun, and since the attraction opens in a day or so, I'd be able to use that skill on a much bigger group of people. I can't wait to make them scream for their moms and dads tomorrow.

- - -

The day has finally come to open the attraction. I hear a bit of chatter going on from outside and estimate a little over a hundred people. Then once those doors open and people start flooding in, that's when I make my move. One group after another, I scare the shit out of people, and crawl through the vents to find my next victims. I stop just outside one of the vents at the back of the attraction and let out a triumphant laugh.

"God, it's so easy to scare these kids." I say to myself. Then I hear the voice of an older kid coming from a room not too far from here.

"Ah, my next victim." I mutter to myself.

I then climb through the vents and pop out into the room and carefully step out. I see someone in front of one of those old arcade machines, but as I get myself ready to scare them, my eyes widen in shock. I take a step back and stare at the kid in disbelief and shock. The kid looks so familiar from behind, way too familiar. I take a step closer, just to examine the figure a little better, and under the dim light, I notice something.

The kid has white and purple hair...

It's here! The sequel is finally here and under way! I put some thought into how this is gonna go and I have a bit of a rough idea of what to write. Yeah, this chapter did turn out a bit sloppy, but I was way too excited to get started on this that I kinda rushed this. The quality of the chapters will get better as the book goes on. Also, someone recommended that I make a book about Spring Bonnie, so now I have an idea for book 3. But anyway, that's it for the first chapter, I'll see you all in the next one.

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