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weekends like this: 😍

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weekends like this: 😍

19.671 likes | 1792 comments

@user how does working for alpha feel?
-> I'm so thankful. It's a privilege to be surrounded by such cool people!

@user One day this will be my aesthetic 🥰

@natalie_pinkham 😍 So great seeing you again.
-> I missed having someone actually ask interesting questions 😙

@user Pierre turned red when you had to remind him to activate his mic😭🥰
-> @user So cute ☺️
-> @user Share the link, i wanna see !

@user Can I pleassseee have this career?

@user How did you land this job?
-> Through way too many sleepless nights🤫 but mostly hard hard work and internships

@user Coolest job!!

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