Chapter 1: I'm Doomed

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A/N: HI GUYS! I'll be releasing all three chapters! I already completed my fourth and I'll be starting on the fifth soon! Oh and this is my new cover! It's of Ru Hasselt! And next chapter I'll be showing fan art that one of you lovely readers made me! But I'll go away so you can read, thanks for reading!


Rael adjusted his tie as he stared at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a black suit, for today was a day of celebration. He heard the door creak open and turned. He saw all of his siblings appear. They gave him cheery smiles as they took their turn to congratulate him.

"Congratulations, Rael." Heath gave a nod to him.

"Grats'" Crille followed shortly thereafter, and Teop, Roy, and Wei echoed their words with smiles on their faces. Rael felt his heart swell up with happiness. He couldn't believe this was real. He'd never thought the day would come when his family would finally care for him and be there for him. He held back the tears as he thanked them all. He couldn't cry now. This was only the beginning.

Because she was waiting for him.

Rael headed to the venue, being watched by the nobles of his kingdom. He swallowed his fear and stopped in front of the priest. And then he waited. It felt as if time had stopped. The bells rang loud and clear as they filled Rael's ear. And the doors to the venue opened.

A woman walked out, accompanied by his father. Her gaze was focused on the floor as she carefully walked in tune with the music. And then she looked up and Rael felt his heart stop. Wearing a light blue wedding dress, she approached him, having let go of her escort. Wearing light makeup that enhanced her beauty which in turn left Rael dazed. She approached the altar when he suddenly walked up to her. She seemed surprised before smiling softly and opening her arms.

Rael could feel his eyes brim with tears as he ran to her. He embraced her and lifted her up, causing her to laugh from the surprise. He laughed too as he stared up at the love of his life. This was it. After all that suffering, he could finally

Rael awoke from his imagination with a gasp.

"It seems like this is it, Rael Vandergarden." A cold voice made him look up. Rael was on his knees and standing across from him was Ru. He was shielding a shell-shocked Ophelia. Rael blinked. "What is happening...?"

"Rael. Stop pretending. You've already been caught for your crimes."

"My crimes...?"

Ru didn't smile as he threw the papers at Rael. Rael looked at them and saw the faces of students he'd never known. These were the students that had been missing right as Rael and Ophelia had coincidentally left. "I didn't— it wasn't me! Ophelia, you believe me, don't you?"

Ophelia was silent. Rael looked at her in shock and felt the sting of betrayal. She didn't believe him? Even though they'd been together the whole time? Rael clutched at the papers. "Ophelia! Please! You can't actually believe what Ru said, it's all lies! This looks forged!" Rael was desperately trying to explain his side of the story but Ru wasn't having it.

"Rael. Instead of having you rot in prison, I'll give you mercy."


Ru, in one swift movement, pierced Rael with his sword. Rael turned rigid. He inhaled as the pain hadn't registered. He had been stabbed. Ru took out his sword, causing a wave of pain to hit Rael. He fell to the ground with a choking cry as he clutched at his stomach. Tears pooled as he tried to lessen the pain and add pressure to the wound. But the wound was too big and there was too much blood.

Rael reached his hand out which was red from the blood. He reached out to Ophelia. He saw Ophelia's look of horror before Ru grabbed a hold of her, placing his hand on her forehead.

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