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Lela's POV:

I am a neurosurgeon In New York but with something's happening with me and my girlfriends family's we both thought it would be best if we moved back to New Orleans, where the wolf's vampire's and witches are at war. It doesn't make it better when my family's pack is somewhere in the middle of it.

I called my brother girlfriend and told her I was coming but not to tell him.

"When do we leave?" My girlfriend Thana asked still packing her bag.

"At 8:00." I said getting her favorite of one of my Manny necklace's.

"So... we have a few hours before it's time to go." She said giving me an evil smile then kissed me.

I pushed her stuff off the bed and then, pushed her gently but also a little aggressively on to the bed.

I pulled off her dress off and kissed her breast she let out a soft moan, she started taking my pants off I went down on her and removed her panties I stuck my tongue out, she gave out another soft moan I started to go up and down which made her moan even louder I took off her bra and started to play with her breast, to make them hard.

She flipped me over putting her on top and went down, and stuck her fingers in me which made me give a loud but soft moan, "Fuck!" I moaned loudly, she went in and out, in and out, over and over again, she kissed me passionately before falling on the floor our lips still in sync she stuck her whole hand in side of me, which made me let out a loud moan I couldn't grab on to anything so I grabbed on her breast, and squeeze them harder than I meant to she let out a loud painful moan.

"Sorry! Sorry." I said apologetically. She smiled at me. "It's okay." She said kissing me passionately.

I finally got back on top and grabbed our dildo put it on and stuck it in side of her no warning, she let out a loud but sexy moan while grabbing a pillow that fell on the floor, that for some reason I didn't see.

I turned her around on her stomach and stuck it in her ass which maid her moan even louder, she held the pillow while I went back and forth, she held the it tightly while letting out loud moans.

"Lela... I'm going-" She started. "Don't not yet." I interrupted. "Lela-" She said.
"Almost!" I yelled.

Then we both came.

I turned her back over and gave her a kiss before laying down next to her, we were both trying to catch our breath. Before she tried to go for for round two.

"No. I'm getting in the shower." I said getting up from the floor.

"Want me to come?" Thena asked me knowing I wouldn't say 'no.'

"You all ready did." I said giving her a smirk.

"I'm gonna get my second round." She said biting her lip and smiling.


When I got out the shower Thena was all ready to go. "You got in the shower?" I question because her hair was still wet. "Well, that's not the only shower in the house." She said laughing. "I mean technically it's an apartment but okay." I said knowing she hated the word 'technically' she through me our hair towel.

I quickly got dressed and dried my hair. I had a couple more things to do at the hospital before we could leave and we only had 2 and a half hours left.

"We need to hurry if we want to get to the hospital then the airport on time." Thena said putting on her favorite hoodie.

I've never understood why she loved the hoodie especially since we were in New York but for some reason she had it wherever we went even if she didn't have it on.

"All right let's go." I said turn on my favorite pair of shoes.

"You always talk stuff about me and my hoodie but when people usually see you they see those shoes too." Thena said jokingly while we were walking out the house.

"Well that's because shoes are shoes and you usually don't have to wash them once a week." I stated pointing out how she always watches her hoodie when she washes her clothes.

"And this is just my favorite thing in the world other than my sisters." She said getting in the other side of the car smiling.

I've always hated that she had all sisters and since she was the oldest so she was expected to do all the heavy lifting because she grew up with mostly all girls because the man of her family were military. All but her favorite twin cousin's Ace and Jace.

I think I've always been a little bit jealous of them because they know more about her than I do and she tells them everything and that's another reason they don't like me from all our fights to us getting back together they were always there giving their opinion that no one asked for. I mean... Thena probably did ask for it but that's not the point.


"Can you do one more surgery before you go?" Chief Blake asked me.

"Yeah." but it could only be about an hour." I said smiling at my best friend Diva.

Me and Diva have been best friends since freshman year of college, she is my favorite person in the world other than my siblings and parents but since they're dead she's second. I've never understood why her parents named her Diva when their last name is Devil. Diva Devil she's my person she's my Ace and Jace. And I think our friendship makes Thena jealous but I can't do anything about that because I'm not going to ruin the first best thing that ever happened to me for the other best thing that ever happened to me.

"I'll miss you." She said while giving me a hug.

"I'm only a phone call away and we'll both visit each other." I said letting her go after a few seconds to go scrub in for surgery.


"Bye I'm going to miss all of you." I said walking out the hospital "I'll be back I promise."

"I will kill you if you don't ever answer your phone!" Diva yelled smiling.

Thena gave her a jealous look. "You ready?" Thena asked.

"Yeah I'm going to the first place I've ever called home." I said smiling.

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