5.the problem..

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(btw I forgot to tell you the animatronics in this story are like humans except they can charge themselves)

Pov: Moondrop

"I-I mean maybe you want to rethink this, beca-" he cut me of by slamming his lips on me. Oh....my....moon....... I start to see something poking through his pants. He's definitely horny, I don't think that he wants to stop! Shit, what do I do? He stops kissing me, finally I can start breathing again! I put my hands on my mouth so he won't try to kiss me again. I start open my
eyes. " Now darling it's no fun if you are resisting the whole time now is it?"
" Stop it! You have no right to even touch me without my permission!"
He stops smiling and starts making an evil grin.
"Oh, so the pet is talking back to its master, fiesty, I'll have to admit you are brave, hehe"
"First off, I get to speak when ever I want, secondly, I am not your pet!, I am moondrop!"
"That's the thing darling, I'm not some normal animatronic, I was made to become one of those, what do you call it again..oh, yeah, mafia bosses."
My face wydens with shock..
"Oh, look at you now, you can't even speak to me! It's adorable! But yeah for me, the 'mafia boss' to like some one is not so common, so it is kind of forced to do this!"
"T-then why would they put you on a act that your a daycare attendent ?"
Damn it I stuttered..
"Well, I needed to have a reputation darling, something that would make everyone believe I am a saint"
We stayed silent for a while. What do I do? This is so bad! If I do any thing wrong he probably tell the security, or better yet his boss!
"Anywho, scream for me "
What does he mean by tha- oh my moon I'm naked, I was so caught up with the conversation that I didn't notice he was taking of our clothes.......I glance down, HOLY SHIT HE IS FUCKING HORNY.
"W-WAIT! HOW DO Y-YOU KNOW THAT EVEN IS GONNA FIT!" I practically screamed out. He didn't even listen, he was about to put that 'thing' in.


Oh thank the heavens, the doorbell rung.
He quickly got of me looking distracted while I had a smirk on my face.
"Who would fucking ring in the middle of the night" wow he really is pissed off.
"Wait here, and don't even try to tell was I was about to do got it?" I shiver while nodding my head. I rush to the bathroom to put my clothes on. While he just stands there only putting boxers and pants on, and don't ask me how I now that..
I was still dressing up, meanwhile he was speaking gibberish, I couldn't hear what they were saying. Damn it, it looks like I am going to have to go in there.

Hehehehe, sorry for the delay, my school has been a pain in my ass. I'll try to upload more often. Father moon drop out! Oh and one more thing.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

He's not innocent.....Sundrop XMoondrop .DISCONTINUED.Where stories live. Discover now