break in or allow in?

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Teegan; *gets home and plops on bed*   *text* Hey pawket.
Pawket; *Text* Hey, Miss you already :)
Teegan; Thats corny-
Pawket; hush.
Teegan; wanna hang out again tomorrow?
Pawket; sure. where?
Teegan; Hmm.. how about the movies?
Pawket; Sure!
Teegan; :]
Pawket; ^^
Teegan; <3
Pawket; ??
Teegan; what? its a friend thing.
Pawket; oh, <3
Teegan; wanna call?
Pawket; sureee! im still at the hang out space.
Teegan; *calls*
Pawket; * answers* hi!
Teegan; hi, im glad i dont have to put on face time-
Pawket; why?
Teegan; Im in the dark and i have a double chin when i lay down.
Pawket; i bet its cute.
Teegan; huh?
Pawket; oh sorry i cut out. the wifi here isnt the besttt... heh.
Teegan; Oh..?
Pawket; yeahhh..
Teegan; Hey, uhm. what time are you free tomorrow?
Pawket; anytime will work.
Teegan; ... how about 10?
Pawket; in day?
Teegan; morning.
Pawket; sure.
Teegan; *jokingly* iTs A DaTe.
Pawket; *laughs*  *stops* - wait we should go on a platonic date.
Teegan; Thats- actually a good idea.-
Teegan; *confused* why the lets go?
Pawket; uhh- i dont know..
Teegan; Im excited! Are we even actually going to watch the movie?
Pawket; Probably not-
Teegan; then you want to just hang out at the arcade?
Pawket; sure! I love the arcade!
Teegan; okay! ill tell my mom later, she said that I can go hang out.
Pawket; dude, how come most of my friend ships i never sleep over until like- a month or two, but with you it was second day
Teegan; Im just special like that-
Depression; *walks in* more like special ed.
Teegan; HEY!
Pawket; whos that?
Teegan; just my stupid brother..
Depression; is this your crus-
Teegan; *starts screaming over him*
Pawket; - *goes red but face time is off so you cant see her.*
Depression; *Starts laughing*
Teegan; GET OUT!
Depression; nahh. Maz just left so i think ill stay.
Teegan; Your little BoYfRiEnD~~~
Depression; atleast I got one.
Teegan; I-.. true-
Pawket; hey d* head shut the f*** up before I rip off your head and shove it up "mAz"'s a**...
Teegan; -
Depression; *pauses*
Teegan; *holding in laughter*
Depression; is that a threat?
Pawket; maybe it is..
Pawket; Depression, hm. kinda like his mental health.
Depression; HMPH.. *leaves*
Teegan; What the hell pawket?!
Pawket; hm?
Pawket; he was being rude?.
Teegan; true- but like you cant just dooo that-
Pawket; why not?
Teegan; because it might hurt him in some way,
Pawket; oh, sorry.
Teegan; he can suck it up. its fine!
Pawket; oh..
Teegan; ?
Pawket; ..
Teegan; *sigh* whats wrong.
Pawket; Nothin'.. just thinking.
Teegan; oh? What about?
Pawket; you.
Teegan; - what?
Pawket; *thinking* you are literally a dumba**..
Teegan; .. mhm. sure.
Pawket; what?
Teegan; *sigh* im going to be as honest as I can.
Pawket; *confused* huh??-
Teegan; Lets be honest here, we both have feelings for each other. are trying to convince ourselves out of it because we just met. we think its both dumb because its like those stupid gacha life mini movies. And now we dont know what to do.
Pawket; - i. Not afraid to think your mind, are you?.
Teegan; yep.
Pawket; ... lets just keep on compressing our feelings..
Teegan; or. we can date, see how it goes, then figure out if we want to stay together. but we keep it under the table.
Pawket; uh.. sure?
Teegan; Okay, *yawn* well. Im going to sleep
Pawket; Okay..
Teegan; Whats wrong?
Pawket; I feel as if you are mad at me..
Teegan; IM NOT!! Im just tired is all.
Pawket; oh. I cant sleep without snugglez.
Teegan; just sneak into my house or some.. im tired.
Pawket; address?
Teegan; *gives address* *too tired to think about whats gonna happen*
Pawket; Okay im on my way!
Teegan; *falls asleep*
** a couple minutes **
( She forgot to hang up. )
Pawket; *on call* hey im here can i just come in through the window?
Teegan; *wakes up slightly* mhph.. sure..
Pawket; *opens window and crawls in and hangs up* Hey,
Teegan; W- *wakes up fully* What are you doing here?!
Pawket; you said I could?-
Teegan; NO-
Pawket; oh- you must have just been asleep... welp, im here now! Snuggles!!
Teegan; ... okay. *scoots over*
Pawket; *lays with her and cuddles her*
Both; *get comfortable and fall asleep.
** middle of the night **
Depression; *goes into her room and takes Teegan's charger* ... *notices* ---  hehe.. taking after your big brother I see.. welcome to the gay side my friend... *leaves*
** Next morning **
Teegan; *wakes up* ..
Pawket; *has been up and just staring at her*
Teegan; what the ..... have you just been staring at me all night?..
Pawket; well- for an hour b-
Teegan; WH- .. okay then-
Pawket; *kisses forehead*
Both; *Blush a lil*
Teegan; *snuggles into* mmh...
Pawket; *tomato now.(really red like one-)*   *squeezes a little bit tighter.* <3
Teegan; *comfortable* You make me forget about all my problems..
Pawket; awww... thanks! <3
Teegan; You're also really cute..
Pawket; uh-
Teegan; and hot...
Pawket; *blushing so hard*
Teegan; oh- IM SORRY- i was just thinking outloud if i actually like you-
Pawket; *moves teegan up in the bed alittle  bit more so that they can speak face to face* well?
Teegan; Im pretty sure I do..
Pawket; pretty sure? Why not 100% *winks jokingly*
Teegan; *blush* uhm. because.
Pawket; *laughs*
Teegan; you're too much...
Pawket; *kisses cheek*
Teegan; *kisses pawket's cheek* here ill be right back im going to rinse my face.
Pawket; ..
Teegan; *gets up to go rinse face* .
Pawket; im gonna do it, but I gotta make it spicy.
Teegan; *rinsing face*
Pawket; *gets up and goes to the bathroom* (Teegan didnt shut the door)
Teegan; *turns around* - WO-
Pawket; *pins her on sink*
Teegan; what yo-
Pawket; *kisses*
Teegan; MP-  *blushes hardcore*
Mom; *in the door way* (cliff hanger time..)

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