Chapter 2

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Mya's POV
As I got into my red Volkswagen I noticed I had left my purse in the house. I marched up the stairs, unlocked the door,and got my purse."Man" I thought, "I'm going to be late'. I hopped in my car,roared the engine to life, and started speeding to school. Then I arrived seeing my two best friends, Jasmine and Sasha. Well I wouldn't really consider "Sasha" as a friend because I think she is a little fake towards me and that makes me angry but I haven't done or said anything yet.

Sasha's POV
As I was walking with Jasmine, I saw that thot my coming our way. "Hey Jasmine" she said and smiled at the same time." What about me" I said through gritted teeth. "Well maybe if you could be patient I would've said hello which I was just about to do but never mind"Mya said. I could have backslapped her right there but I let it slide. So then those two started having a conversation and made me look like a third wheel."Umm Jasmine maybe we should get to class"I said. As we were walking away I smirked at Mya and she stuck up her middle finger at me. I felt so disrespected.Rage filled my body as I ran to my locker and slammed it shut after I had taken my books out. "Chill" Jasmine said."What's gotten into you"she said. "Nothing"I spat and raced to class. I don't even know why I bother.

Mya's POV
I saw what Sasha did and replied back to it by sticking my middle finger up. She had look so mad but I didn't care because she had made me mad by smirking. I laughed at her stupidity as I made my way all the way across the school to get to my first hour, English. "Everyone come in and take a seat" said the teacher. "My name is Mr.Simmons and I will be you Eng-" before Mr.Simmons could finish speaking, a boy with green orbs and dark curly hair walked in. As he looked around his gaze came upon me and I looked away. Then I noticed that was the only reason he was looking at me. The classroom only had 1 more seat and that was by me. The boy took a seat next to me and my breathing hitched. I don't even know why but his intense gaze was just scary."And what might your name be young man? "Mr.Simmons asked."Harry",he said,"Harry Styles". It was only first hour and I already have a but loaf sitting by me. This is gonna be a long day.

LUNCH TIME!!!!!!!!!

Jasmine's POV
I saw both Mya and Sasha come take a seat next to me. "What's up" they both said in unison and glared at each other."Nothing much"I said. After that one comment we all sat at the table and ate lunch like 3 quiet mouses.

After 7th Hour

Mya's POV
Thank god school is over. Its been a long day and to turn out, that "Harry" guy is in most of my classes except for 3. I decided to text Jasmine, my real friend, about my day.

Our Convo

M: girl even though today was the first day of school, I had this creepy dude Harry in one of my classes.

J: (no response)

Well I guess she had some thing better to do. "Jason and Sophia get down here now" I said angrily. As the two showed up. They looked tense. "Can anyone please explain to name why they have this big mess on the floor". "Umm" they both stuttered looking at each other. "Well you both are going to clean it up"I said a little less harsh. They got paper towels, napkins, etc. I thought about my drunk and crack head parents. Are they ever coming back? Do they still love us? The questions kept on repeating I my head. Then Justin and Sophia came into my room and hugged me. "Goodnight" they both said In unison. "Same back to you two"I said and hugged them both really tight. "Now go get in the bed I said and kissed their little foreheads. As they left my room I drifted of to sleep. Today was the craziest day in my life.

This was chapter 2. I hope you like my story and give me any good comments.

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