Chapter 13

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It's been a week. And I've barely slept a wink. Every single time I close my eyes and fall asleep, I jolt awake minutes later, sweating buckets and trembling with fear. 

No matter how hard I close my eyes, I still see those white masks splattered with blood, my blood. 

I still hear the screams that came from my mouth and that all too familiar metallic taste in the air. I slide out from under the sheets, fumbling around in the pool of moonlight. 

Once again, sleep is like a foreign language. I feel a pang in my chest, a deep longing. 

I miss the Heart Pirates, I miss the comforting hand that would run through my hair whenever I had a bad dream, I miss Law. But I need to get through one more week and learn as much as I can. I want to be helpful to Law, I want him to need me as much I need him. 

I climb up the mast and sit atop the sails, breathing in the fresh air and clearing my mind. Zoro was supposed to be on the lookout tonight, but like always, he's asleep. 

I can feel his strong presence and hear his mind, it's as if his inner voice speaks to me. If I close my eyes, I can hear the rest of the crew as well, their cheerful spirits and the unbreakable bond called friendship. 

If I focus even harder and silence the world around me, I can hear almost everything on the sea, even the steady sonar of the Polar Tang if I tried hard enough. The Strawhats said it was a power called Observation Haki, and that I must have developed a sensitive hearing when I was stuck in the white room. 

I discovered this power on my second day with the Strawhats when I somehow heard a naval ship of 50 men heading towards us an hour before it was in sight. It sounded like a stampede was barging toward me. 

Since then, the Strawhats helped me hone my skill and taught me how to use it as if it was a sixth sense. Now, I can tell that there is no danger save the sea monsters within a 20-mile radius of the ship without giving it a second thought. 

I pull Law's fur hat over my eyes, the familiar smell embracing me like a warm blanket in the chilly winds. Tomorrow is going to be a sunny day, blue sky and calm seas. 

At least, that's an educated guess following all the weather-talk Nami has told me about. I close my eyes and slowly drift off, listening for the sonar of the Polar Tang or even the sound of Bepo's sweet apologies. 

"Good morning to my beautiful lady! What has you up so early today?" *gasp* "Don't tell me you're here to see me?!" Sanji twirls his way into the kitchen, always the first up to prepare the crew's breakfast.

"Morning Sanji, you've served Captain food a few times, right? What does he like to eat?" A sudden wave of emotions erupts in the room, beginning with a Bepo-like aura and then turning into a fit of burning anger. Unsurprisingly, Sanji is on fire. Again. 

"That lucky bastard! How nice it must be for him to have such a sexy lady worrying about him... not to mention... for that same woman to sleep on the same bed as him!! Aghh!!" I wait patiently, I discovered that this is an everyday occurrence with Sanji. 

If anyone on the ship mentions Law, he throws a minor fit and lights on fire with a burning passion. Nami told me to ignore it or hit him a couple of times over the head. I prefer to do the former.

"*huff huff* Anyways, " he straightens his tie and resumes chopping vegetables, "Tra-guy was definitely a picky eater. As I recall, he absolutely despises bread, I won't be surprised if you've never seen a speck of bread crumbs on that submarine. 

So instead of sandwiches, I made him onigiri, which he enjoyed. But then we got into a fight because he hates sour plums. He was difficult to deal with." Sour plums

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