Chapter 14: Brothers

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Third Person POV:

Jonathan stood frozen in his spot as his baby girl, his long-lost daughter, turned her back on him and left the kitchen. He dropped down on his chair and buried his face in his hands. He had never felt as much regret in his life as he did now. He was scared that he would lose her yet again and this time it wouldn't be because of someone else but because of his own stupidity and foolish decisions.

He had been the happiest the moment he had seen the test results. Liah was his daughter, and she was home. She was his Rosalie. He had already started imagining what joy that would bring into their lives.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he felt a strong hand on his shoulder, squeezing it in comfort. Jonathan looked up to see his younger brother Alessandro giving him a weak smile, one that was meant to encourage him and ease his mind, but it didn't. Nothing could ease the guilt he was feeling.

"She'll understand one day." Sandro tried to reassure his older brother but seeing his older brother's slouched shoulders and defeated look he doubted he would listen to anyone.

Alessandro had joined the family a few days ago to celebrate Ian's, his nephew's, birthday but he never expected to hear the news of his niece returning.

The moment Alessandro heard about the death of his niece ten years ago he didn't doubt it, he never did. The report, the evidence, everything was as clear as day to them. It hurt at the time, yes, but he had found his peace with it. In that aspect he had been different from his nephews and son.

His younger nephews, especially Rome, always said there could be a chance that Rosalie had been alive and that it was someone else who had died that night ten years ago but he didn't listen to them. His own son Sora had never stopped investigating his cousin's death, yet he was always left with empty hands.

Alessandro was so surprised when he saw the results of the DNA test he didn't know how to react. A little doubt was left in the back of his mind at that time that the result had been wrong, that the unknown girl had tricked them. He wanted to deny that he had failed to believe she was still alive, that his nephew and his son had been right all the time. That they might have been able to find her earlier.

He felt the worst not only for his niece Rosalie but also for his youngest nephew Rome. Ever since Rome had been separated from his twin, even as a baby, he had changed. It was always as if a piece of him was missing and he would suddenly tear up or not talk to people for a few days. To keep the boy happy the whole family had always told him that he would meet his twin sister one day and that they would be reunited. But what they never expected was what happened when they told an eight-year-old Rome that his twin sister had died in a car crash. From that day on Rome hadn't spoken a word, not to a single soul, he had locked himself in his room for weeks and month and everyone had been scared for his health.

It was more than a surprise when the whole family heard him speak after staying silent for so many painful years. And the one who got him to speak was no other than his twin, his other half. Seeing his youngest nephew happy, smiling and even talking he had no doubt she was their Rosalie.

The oldest men of the Varez family weren't the only once thinking about their youngest ones. A floor higher, with a good view on the garden, Darien sat with his hand bandaged.

Darien was furious yet happy at the same time. Furious at what his father had done but happy about his sister's return. There was another hard feeling in his stomach which let him forget even the pain in his hand. He came to the realization that it was guilt.

Guilt that he wasn't there for his sister.

Guilt that he had stopped searching for her.

Guilt that he believed she was dead.

Guilt that he hadn't even thought of her in a long time, that he had moved on.

Guilt that he had denied she was his sister the first time he saw her.

It was a horrible feeling, yet he knew he deserved to feel this way. He deserved to feel even worse.

And just when he was about to leave the window, he spotted two figures walking in the garden. He took a closer look and unbeknown to him a smile made its way onto his guilt-stricken face. Just seeing his younger siblings together brought joy to him despite what had happened earlier. He was following their steps and movements with curious and protective eyes, not wanting to let either of them out of his sight.

His baby sister and his baby brother. Darien looked at the twins as they walked hand in hand through the garden and towards a bench. He was jealous at his youngest brother and at his sister at the same time.

Jealous of his brother that he had this instant connection to Liah that nobody else was able to have. Yet he was utterly grateful that Rome was the one to realize who Liah was. There was no doubt in Darien's mind that their father and he himself would have turned the unknown girl away if it hadn't been for Rome.

From pictures, stories and memory, Darien remembered clearly how his baby sister had looked when she was barely a few month old. She had black hair and the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, one brown and one blue. Seeing Liah with her light blond hair and grey eyes was nothing compared to that. He had momentarily wondered if his memory of his sister was wrong but then he had seen the case for contact lenses in Rome's bathroom and he knew it belonged to Liah.

She hid her true eye color but why was a mystery to him. All of a sudden she came to their doorstep and found them herself where all of them had failed. She packed all her belongings and traveled through states to find them. And finally she showed up with a toddler in her arms who called her 'mommy'. His sister was wrapped in secrets and mysteries, more than they were possibly aware of, yet he was sure to find out about all of them.

He glanced out of the window and saw the twins talking, the expressions grim and sad and their eyes full of unshed tears. Darien looked at Rome, who seemingly answered a question every time Liah stopped speaking.

He had been utterly shocked when Rome spoke that night. Until that night he couldn't even remember his brother ever speaking, the sound of his voice or the feelings he had hid inside him. He regretted that he could never fill the void that Rome had to live with since his twin was send away.

"There you are."

Darien's head snapped back and he saw Elijah standing in the door. Elijah walked next to Darien and looked out the window. A pained smile fell on his face as he saw his youngest siblings sitting outside.

"Do you think she hates us now?" Darien asked as his gaze went back to the twins.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Elijah told his younger brother as he leaned against the window frame.

Darien's expression hardened at his brother's words and he hoped he was wrong, he didn't think he could stand being hated by his sister. It had already been enough for him when Rome was angry at them all those years ago since they knew that Rosalie was send away, even though they didn't have a say in it.

"We'll just have to make sure that she trusts us again." Elijah tried to calm Rome.

"Where are Ian and Zac?"

Elijah sighed deeply at Rome's question then looked out the window at the twins. "They left right after you."


"They are on their way to the airport."

Darien stood up and kicked the nearest chair in his reach making it fly across the room. "They can't be serious!"

Elijah sighed deeply. He was surprised too but it fitted his oldest brothers' behavior. They wanted to protect their family and thought the best way to do so is by staying as far away as possible. It was stupid if you asked him. He was sure they were just screwing up their chances with their sister by doing this.

"Idiotas!" Darien cursed. "Is this because they work for Sora? Do they really think this will make a difference?" He punched the nearest wall, kicked another piece of furniture out of his way and then stomped out of the room.

Now Elijah was left alone and looked at the twins. As he looked at them he was sure of one thing. He would never let anything separate them again.

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