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"Soo-Yun... look up. He's getting suspicious.." Lisa tapped Soo-Yun's shoulder.
"You're right.." Soo-Yun sighed. Her eyes sparkled. 


Soo-Yun was so lost in her thoughts that she chocked on air, eventually catching Felix's attention. 
Without a second thought, Felix ran towards her and offered water, instantly regretting after realising.

Soo-Yun didn't realise it was Felix, so she accidentally touched his hand while grabbing the water from him. 
After gulping down the water, she was about to say 'Gamsaibnida' but, when she looked up, she realised who came to help her. 

She just whispered a thanks and gave him the water back. 

Felix said welcome, with a slight tone of continuing the conversation but Soo-Yun ignored it, making Felix sigh and go back to his seat.

Soo-Yun ignored Felix for the whole school day, even when he tried to talk to her, and Lisa cooperated too by not talking about him.

"She needs some time and space." Lisa said to herself.

The school day ended in that way only. 

With both Felix and Soo-Yun's eyes sparkling with tears of hopefulness, hope of reuniting.

Felix did feel some droplets of tears on his cheek occasionally when Soo-Yun ignored him, but didn't react.

Felix did feel some droplets of tears on his cheek occasionally when Soo-Yun ignored him, but didn't react

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"I miss you, Soo-Yun. Without you my life has no other season rather than winter. Without you my heart is not okay. 
And it's not okay to be not okay."

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