The website

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Hello, you don't know me do you? I'm Kira and I'm not popular, infact almost no one knows I exist. Atleast in my school. You see, I am part of a cult, the second leader actually. Because of this some members of my cult try to get my place by spreading rumors and making up stories about me but the boss and me are quite close.

I was heading to her office, she wanted to talk to me and I wouldn't keep her waiting! I was infront of her door and opened it. She was sitting in her chair, elegant as always. Her white long hair was flowing down her back as she turned her head to my direction. 

"Madame, you wanted to talk to me?" I smiled as I sat down infront of her, she nodded. "Ah yes, you see we desperately need new people. Quite a lot of our members quit after what had happened to Iann" 

Her eyes darkened, Iann ehh? He was a complet push over, though I guess we shouldn't have let him start the ceremony. Oh well, sucked to be him I guess.

"So I was hoping you could recruit some people? You wouldn't want to rule a non existing cult would you, Kira~?" Oh she knew me so well. "Ofcourse I can" Only problem is that I have no friends.

The next day at school I tried talking to some people but they would just leave me. Losers. Untill I talked to Ted and Riley, I didn't think they'd even look at me, after all theyr'e the "popular couple". But they said that if I complet this challenge they'd come with me.

I had to look up my name in this shady website, it shouldn't be a problem. So I agreed and school was almost over anyways, so I went to my last classes. Like I expected history was super boring and english wasn't any better, such a waste of my time.

I went home and booted up my computer, like always it took forever. Finally it was done and I tipped in the adress of the website. Now I just need to tipe in my name. Who even thought about that?! It's not even fu- I froze at what I saw.  

It read the following: "Kira Nebeall dies 14/6/2022, she was murdered by Fayy Tiarak at around 2 p.m, her body was found the following morning by Riley Haley Doble at 7:32 a.m, the police never found out who murdered her"

Today was the 14th of july, I never thought my aunt could murder anyone. I closed the website as I started hearing footsteps, I looked at the time. 2 p.m, no doubt it was my aunt. The footsteps became louder and louder, then my door was opened, 2:05 p.m, she was late. 

"Goodbye" I whispered, my voice barely producing any sound. I didn't even scream as the knife slid into my body. I was just quiet, I felt betrayed, very betrayed. My body ached as I fell from my chair, it was soaked in my blood, crimson red, how beautifull if only it wasn't my own.

My vision got blury and I started coughing blood, my lungs hurt so much with every breath I took. I barely saw her leaving, letting me bleed out in my own room. I remembered that in the website they said that my aunt was never caught but even if I die I won't let my aunt get away with it.

I gathered all my strenght and grabbed a paper and with my own blood wrote "Fayy did it" before my vision went black, I collapsed one final time and it was over. Atleast I changed something.

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