Pure As A Feather

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Hello again! ABalancedErRoR376 this contains  your soulmate au idea! <3

In a land far away, where magic has a strong grasp of it's habitant, one person was born. With godlike magic, they were destined to lead and combine the different clans. Yet this hero was shy and never talked to others when he had the chance. He ran away to a deep forest that no one lived in, he just wanted to be alone und undisturbed. He had grown up into a lanky and smart magic caster, he knew almost everything about his forest. He also learned how to surpress his magic.

It was an average, nothing out of the normal. He walked around his beloved woods looking for edible plants and nuts. He had always disliked killing the animals but every once in a while he'd hunt a rabbit. The cool air flew around his form, calming him like always. He stepped into a clearing, he knew this spot had lots of berry bushes, but what he saw froze his blood. There next to a bush laid a small kitsune boy. He cautisously approached the uncounscise boy. He saw that the small kitsune laid next to a bush of scarlet poisons, one of the most poisonous berries he had found here. He sighed and picked up the kitsune and returned to his camp.

He had used his healing ability, after he got back to his home. The kitsune was still asleep when he eat the last of his nuts. He needed to find more soon, he had barely made it through the winter and the frost of spring still had it's grasps on the forest. He watched silently as the boy slowly awoke from his slumber. The kitsune looked around before noticing the other male.

"W-Who are you?" The kitsune asked nervously.

"I do not have a name, do you have one?" He said, it was a half lie. He had a name but couldn't remember.

"My name is Judas, but is it okay if I call you Fern? Also can you tell me what happened?" Judas said, still a bit wary.

"Fern... It sounds kinda nice." Fern said, he staring straight at Judas who stiffened under his gaze. There was a short akward silence before Fern spoke again.

"I don't know why you were in my forest but I found you passed out next to a bush of  scarlet poisons." Fern said calmly. Judas looked confused at Fern.

"Scarlet poisons?" He asked confused.

"They're very deadly, you probably tried eating them." Fern replied coldly. He grabbed his bag and turned his back to Judas.

"W-Wait! Where are you going t-to?" Judas stuttered nervously. Fern turned his head to look at him, his amber eyes darkened.

"I'm collecting food for us, you will stay here, kitsune." He said in a threatening tone, effectively shushing Judas. Fern left without another word, leaving Judas on his own, who was terrified of Fern and his sudden change in mood. He shivered at the memory of his dark, angered amber eyes. "What has angered him so badly? Did I do something from?" Judas mumbled quietly to himself. Judas looked around, he had been laying on a soft patch of moss and grass. There were a few handcrafted tools leaning against a small chestnut tree. He saw some leather clothe hidden under a bush of strange yellow berries. He didn't know what to do, so he laid back down on his back and rested, his body still ached slightly from the poison.

The sun and moved down to the horizon when Judas awoke from the crunching of leaves and footsteps. He sleepily opened his eyes to see the silhouette of Fern with a bag. Judas felt anxiety bubbling up, was he still angry? Judas didn't know but he hoped that he was calm now. Judas slowly sat up and glanced nervously at Fern who was putting the bag down, it leaned against a rather big stone. He then started staring at Judas. It was an uncomfortable silence and neither of them said anything.

It was start to get dark when Fern sat down against a pine tree and sighed. "You should stay here for a couple of days, most ordinary healers can't heal the poison of the scarlet poisons." He said, almost in a sad tone. "Then how can you?" Asked Judas. There was a long silence before Fern replied. "I'm naturally good at healing." No one said anything for a while. Judas was trying to sleep but the pain didn't let him, he looked at Fern. He had a calm expeession but still had his eyes open, staring at him. "C-can you help me a bit more? I-it hurts." Judas mumbled, holding back a groan of pain. He heard the crunching of leaves and tgen he felt the warm hand of Fern on his forehead. He saw soft green light emittet from his eyes and hands, a bit of magic surround them in the air, forming a shield. Judas felt warmth spread through his body and the pain started to ease but didn't fully stop. The light faded out and it was dark again. Fern removed his hand and went back to the pine tree. Judas mumbled a sleepy thank you before falling asleep. Fern smiled at the sleeping kitsune. "You're cute." He mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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