5 ︴frenemies

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George was right, they should've done the movie night on a Friday or Saturday. Sapnap and George hadn't gotten back to their dorm until three am, and then had to wake up at six-thirty for classes the next day; to say they were exhausted was an understatement.

Luckily they had Miss Uzohra first period, so it wasn't too bad. Plus they weren't doing any active work, just watching an informative documentary about Nymphs, Satyrs, Panes, Potamoi and Tritons. They were all forest spirits that were technically classed as Nymphs.

Satyrs are the male versions of Nymphs, but they're not like Nymphs at all, having animal parts like horse legs or antlers; whereas Nymphs are far more human, other than their pixie-like ears. They both, however, posses nature powers like flora manipulation, animal communication, ecokinesis, etc... In some cases, some Nymphs become exceptionally powerful, possessing skills such as mind manipulation, mind control and even the ability to hypnotise.

The documentary even brushed over male Nymphs, and how rare they were. They compared their rarity to male omegas, a term George was somewhat familiar with, though not too familiar with due to it being a werewolf-only thing. All he knew was that omega was a secondary gender, and male omegas were extremely rare, rarer than female alphas.

It felt good to know he was so rare, but it also instilled some sort of anxiety in him. It made him a target, for bullying, for selling or for personal keeps as a trophy— he didn't exactly want to know.

"You okay?" Sapnap seemed to sense his mood, resting his chin on his folded arms and looking up at him.

"Yeah, I guess," George muttered, his voice lowering as his gaze flicked around the class warily. A set of golden eyes stared at him from across the room, Otis. He felt himself freezing slightly, why was Otis watching him? "Otis is in this class?"

"You know Otis?" Sapnap asked; eyebrows lifting. The raven-haired's eyes followed George's, and he found himself frowning. "That boy's nothing but trouble, you shouldn't get involved with him."

Too late for that, George wanted to say, but decided to keep it to himself, he didn't need the same lecture he got from Dream, from Sapnap also. "What's so bad about him?"

"He does nothing but gossip, spread secrets, spread lies," Sapnap lifted his head slightly, averting his gaze from Otis to George. "I'm not sure whether it was a rumour, but apparently he got a student killed."

"What?!" Those are serious accusations! George thought to himself, eyes widening.

"He's got mental powers, like mind manipulation— he can make people see things, that aren't there."

"Like hallucinations?"

Sapnap nodded, "exactly like hallucinations." He said, head lowering back to rest on his arms. "Well anyway, a couple years ago, there was this student and he had manipulated her into thinking the school had come to life and was trying to attack her— she fled to the forest and a few weeks later her head was dumped at the school gate by a Cyclops."

George stifled a gasp, "are you serious? How is he not been kicked out of the school yet?"

"There's no proof to support the theory, but of course there'd be no proof, it was basically an internal murder." Sapnap shrugged and rolled his eyes, "but then again he wasn't even the one that murdered her, the Cyclops was, but if not for him she'd still be alive."

"Jesus Christ..." George trailed off. Dream was definitely right, Otis is trouble, and not the Dream kind of trouble. "What was the student's name?"



As soon as the bell rung the students crashed out of the classroom like an ocean wave, the corridor being filled with a sea of students. Sapnap turned to him with a big grin, "I'm gonna head to the field with Karl, want to join us?"

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