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"Dhianne Louisshana Fernandez. That's our princess name." My wife said, looking at our daughter in her arms.

"A very beautiful name. Sounds like your name, Dianna." I said while looking at them. She didn't tell me what she wanted to name our daughter. She wanted to surprise me, so I just agreed to what she wanted. 

If that makes her happy, who am I to ruin it? Besides, I love our daughter's name. She really surprised me. I didn't expect that she will named our daughter sounds like her name.

"Beautiful." I whispered when our daughter opened her eyes. I held her cute little hand, and I chuckled when she gripped it.

"Call the boys, love." My wife said so, and I did.

I saw my three sons in the waiting lounge when I went out of my wife's private room. They all sat there, and I can see that they're all bored. I laughed at that.

"Boys!" I called while I was walking towards them. They all turned to me and immediately stood when they saw me approaching them.

"Dad! How's our princess and Mom?" My second son, Shawn, immediately asked.

"They're both fine, son. Let's go. Your mother and little princess are waiting." I said, and they all nodded and walked to my wife's private room.

When we entered, my wife immediately smiled and greeted our sons.

"Come, here's your little princess, sons. Meet your sister, Dhianne." My wife said, and our sons looked at their sister.

"She's so pretty, Mom." Shawn said while staring at her sister. He even smiled as he touched his little sister's cute hand.

"Woah, bibi, kyut." My youngest son, Felix, said while giggling. We all chuckled.

After that, my wife decided to put Dhianne in our son's arms so he could carry his sister. 

"We promise to protect you, princess." I smiled when I heard my third son, Vaxton, say that.

"Pwamise, we protect you. Wabyu, bibi hihi." My youngest son said it again, so we chuckled again. My wife pinched his cheeks.

Since he was small, he was standing on his mother's bed while peeking at his sister.

"You're so cute, my little prince." My wife said. His mother now hugs him while stroking him. I just smiled at my adorable family.

After that, I turned my gaze to my other son. They're having fun with their little sister now.

"We'll make sure that you're going to enjoy your childhood life." Vaxton said with a smile on his face.

"You, our little one," Shawn whispered. The one who carried his sister

"Are never allowed to date. You don't need a man when you have us." He continued and kissed his sister's forehead.

My heart swelled at how our boys acted toward Dhianne. I turned to Dianna, who had a hand on her chest and a smile on her lips.

"We raised amazing kids." I whispered in her ear, making her giggle.

After that, we decided to let the two women in our lives rest. Now, we're here on the porch.

"What now, Dad?" Shawn immediately asked when we went outside.

"Just keep quiet, Shawn. Make sure nobody will know that you have a sister. Tell this to your brother's." I said, and he just nodded. I sighed when he left with his brothers. 

There will be trouble when everyone finds out that there is a woman in the family except my wife.

A week later, Dianna was also released from the hospital. We are all happy that, finally, our daughter will be home.

But the happiness we felt was gone when the van we were riding in to the mansion suddenly stopped.

"What's happening?" My wife asked.

"I don't know, love." I said, looking at the driver.

"Kevin, what's happening–" I stopped talking when he pointed a gun at my face. I heard my wife exclaim because she was shocked.

"Who the hell are you? Where's Kevin?" I seriously asked and held my wife's shaking hand. He's wearing a mask on his whole face, which is why I can't recognize him.

"You don't need to know who I am." He then slammed the gun into my face. I cried out in pain.

"Oh my! A-alfred, no..."  I heard my wife's voice. Even though it hurt, I tried to look at my wife and daughter.

"No! Don't take my daughter! You fucktard!" My wife exclaimed while stopping this man from taking our daughter. He's now already in front of my wife.

When I saw what was happening, I immediately took my gun and pointed it at this fucktard.

"Get my daughter back if you don't want me to kill you, bastard." I said it in a serious voice.

I felt something drip liquid on my face, but I just ignored it because my attention was on my daughter, who is now carrying this man.

If I only knew it would happen today, I would have been prepared. Fuck!

"You can't kill me, bye." He said then run away with my daughter. I cursed loudly.

No, not again! I can't lose another child again.

"Fuck, I need to do something!" I exclaimed, trying to get out of the van so I could follow that bastard.

Even before I got out of the van, Dianna stopped me. When I looked at her, she had a bruise on her face. Her face was full of tears.

I hugged her, and she cried in my chest. It was as if something was pinching my heart as I listened to her cry.

This is all my fault! Like before, I did nothing again.

"I'm sorry, wife. I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I'm really stupid." I whispered, then kissed her forehead.

"No, this is not your fault. Please, don't blame yourself again." She said, and I'm just crying.

"I'm sorry, my wife. Please, don't leave me." I whispered.

"No, no, I won't leave you, okay? Hmm, please, don't blame yourself. We will find her, okay? We will find her." She whispered, then kissed me.

"Yes, of course. We will find her, and I'll promise. I will find that fucktard, then I'll kill him myself." I said while clenching my palm.

She just smiled and nodded, then wiped the blood dripping on my face.

Wait for us, my princess. I promise, we will find you.


Their Long Lost Sister Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon