Jealousy gets you Laid

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Someone asked me to write this and I can't believe I'm putting this up aghhh... Don't even know where this came from.

Anyways don't come for me if this isn't your cup of tea.


"Lisa has such a big dick, and she's still a virgin."

"She does not."

"She does, I swear."

"Even if that were true, how would you even know that?"

"We have the same dance elective. I saw the outline of it once through her sweats when she was sitting down."

"You're delusional."

"I'm serious! It's true. She doesn't change with the rest of us. Only Rosie. I'm taking her virginity at that party tonight."

"I still don't believe you, she's a girl. That's besides the point, you actually think you could take her virginity?"

"I know I can."

"What if she isn't even there?"

"She will be. I heard her and Rosie talk about it during class."

Jennie overheard the conversation and almost went to go punch that girl. Hell no. No way she was taking Lisa. Jennie has had a small crush on Lisa for forever.

Jennie was very popular of course, though she didn't really understand why. Jennie was pretty cold with most people except her best friend. People still tried to get her attention though and Jennie didn't get it.

Lisa was popular too, but in a lowkey way. Everyone liked her. She was friendly and sexy and Jennie was kind of annoyed at the fact that girls always threw themselves at her. Lisa's at least never had a girlfriend as far as she knew of, Jennie wasn't sure what she would do if Lisa ever got with someone.

Despite both being well liked, they ran in different circles so they never actually spoke directly to each other. They'd been grouped together in school functions occasionally but it was rare since they were in different grades. It never kept Jennie from knowing about her though and developing a crush.

Jennie changed as fast as she could and ran to the parking lot. She spotted Lisa getting in her car and smirked. A flip in her had switched when she had overheard that conversation. She felt the jealousy burn through her. If anyone was going to take Lisa's virginity, Jennie would damn well make sure it could be her. There was no way she would let that girl try to seduce Lisa tonight. Jennie was determined. She marched up straight to Lisa, not really thinking about consequences. Too lost in the anger.


Lisa was about to leave school, she'd just finished her after school dance practice and had taken an abnormally long shower so it was already getting dark. She had just turned her car on when her passenger's side door opened and Jennie Kim, who has never directly spoken to her in her life, slid into the passengers seat. Lisa froze.

"Um—Jennie?" Lisa didn't really know what else to say when the most popular girl in school just randomly burst into her car.

Jennie felt satisfied that Lisa knew her name, though who didn't really.

"Just need a ride?"

"Oh. Okay." Lisa didn't even hesitate to drive out of the school parking lot. "You live in Gangnam right?"

Lisa probably should have kept the fact that she knew that to herself but then again really, this was Jennie Kim. Everyone knew everything about her. Anything she ever did spread through the entire school like wildfire.

Jealousy gets you LaidWhere stories live. Discover now