Jealousy gets you the Girl

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This was just supposed to be smut but I have feelings so here's part two lmaooo


Lisa was nervous about school the next day. She wasn't sure if she would be allowed to talk to Jennie or if their new found romance was supposed to be kept a secret. They hadn't necessarily established being exclusive or anything and Jennie was popular. Lisa didn't hang out in the same circles as her. She didn't want to damage Jennie's reputation or anything.

She walked to her locker where her blonde best friend was waiting, or wait—light pink haired best friend?

"You dyed your hair again." Lisa said to her as she approached her.

"What do you think?" Rosie bounced up on the balls of her feet.

"I've told you Chaengie, every color works on you."

Her best friend beamed. "Thanks!"

Rosie tweaked her head to the side then, really looking at Lisa.

"You look different."

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked, feeling a bit awkward.

"I don't know like, you're glowing or something?"

Lisa blushed, was she really being that obvious about just waking up after the greatest night of her life.

"I don't know, just woke up in a good mood I guess?"

"But you're at school."

"I'm aware." Lisa deadpanned.

"You hate school."

"Who even likes school?" Lisa tried to deflect.

"Your crush." Rosie joked, knowing full well of Lisa's long infatuation with Jennie.

Lisa tensed and she shouldn't have because now her best friend was narrowing her eyes at her trying to figure her out. Rosie was a little too good at figuring people out. She was about to bolt before she got bombarded with questions when she noticed Rosie was the one to freeze this time.

Rosie looking like a deer caught in the headlights could only mean one thing, Jisoo must be near, and wherever Jisoo was there was usually another Kim around.

Lisa tried not to turn around because she didn't know what to do when she saw Jennie. They had never spoken to each other at school, its not like Lisa could greet her without making it obvious but she also didn't want to hurt Jennie's feelings if she didn't say hi. She didn't know what Jennie would want for her to do.

Fuck, why didn't they talk about this last night? Oh, right, they were too busy fucking in between their cuddles.

Lisa almost jumped when she heard her favorite voice.

"Hi Lisa."

Lisa turned around to see Jennie standing in front of her and she looked even more beautiful than she had last night. She was sporting that cute gummy smile and it was currently being directed towards Lisa right in front of every one in the hall. People always noticed who Jennie Kim talked to and Lisa could feel the stares on them already. Not that she really cared.

Lisa wasn't really aware that people always noticed who she talked to as well, so they were drawing a lot of attention that morning.

"Jennie, good morning?" Lisa asked with a lilt, feeling a little nervous.

Jennie giggled and it made Lisa smile wider and her heart started beating fast because she loved those giggles.

"Walk me to class?" Jennie asked.

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