Chapter 18:
Josh did what he was told. Closely he watched the patrols. He discovered the Hilltop sent people out once a week to find as many medical supplies, and weaponry they could find. The runs could last anywhere between one to three days before they would head back. Josh learned all of this in the span of about a month.
It was about four months after Rebecca, Jamie and Josh joined the Hilltop when it happened. Joel was on his way from his shift on the wall. It was some time around five or six in the morning. Tommy was on the way to the wall to take Joel's place, and decided now would be the time to bring up the thing that had been on his mind for awhile.
"Hey Joel." He said as they passed each other. Joel turned and looked at him. "What is it little brother?" Tommy scratched at his beard with one hand and put the other on his hip. "You know, I was thinkin'...maybe it's time Ellie went on a run. Joel nodded his head.
"Sure. When's it-"
"I meant by herself-she'd be with a scavenging group, but...we've all gotta' leave the nest at some point." Joel furrowed his brows at Tommy. "You're suggestin' I let her go out without me?" Tommy pinched the bridge of his nose.
"it's just...she's good at findin' important supplies-she's a crackshot too. And we need you to stay at the wall sometimes. You've got better hearing than anyone I know." Joel swallowed this information. He didn't want Ellie going out on her own. Hell, if it were up to him she'd stay inside the walls of the Hilltop at all times, but Joel knew Ellie wouldn't stay trapped forever. She would somehow find out how to get out without Joel.
Joel scrubbed a hand down his face and shook his head. He could see Tommy watching him intently. With a heavy sigh, Joel said; "If anything happens to'll be on you." Tommy nodded his head.
"It's gonna' be fine Joel. I bet you anything her first trip will be a breeze." The two parted to go their separate ways, but Joel called to Tommy. "When is she goin' out?"
"On the next run. In two days." Joel nodded his head and sighed. He shook his head and began making his way towards his shanty.
Josh heard every single word of this exchange (he'd blist eavesdropping on the whole conversation) and quickly moved through the woods, heading for the warehouse the Wolf had told him about. He was actually surprised to see just how big the place was. The Wolf had not been exaggerating when he'd told Josh about it. It was big enough to house at least fifty, to sixty people. Josh wondered why the warehouse had even been built, what had been stored there.
As he approached the warehouse, Josh found himself surrounded by Hunters. He gulped heavily, trying hard not to show too much fear. He held up both of his hands and tried to show that he was a friendly to them. Josh could feel the blood lust coming off of the Hunters in waves. Josh was just about to be blown away, when a voice told the Hunters to stop. Josh looked in the direction of the sound and saw someone walking in his direction. He was around six foot one. He had chocolate-brown hair, grey eyes and a scarred face. Hanging from one shoulder was a t-bolt sniper rifle.
"The Wolf wants him alive." One of the Hunters nodded their heads.
"Alright Pete. Whatever you say." Pete didn't respond, just grabbed Josh by his shirt and shoved him forward. "Into the warehouse. Take a left and make your way to the fourth floor. Try anything and I'll put a bullet in your brain." Josh nodded his head, and hesitantly began moving towards the warehouse, taking the directions Pete had given him. When he reached the fourth floor, Pete stopped Josh next to a door near the end of a long hallway. "Go on in. I'm sure the Wolf is going to love what you've got to hear." Sarcasm seemed to drip from every word. Josh took a deep breath, and carefully opened the door before sliding into the room.

The Last Of Us: Past And Present
Fanfiction((Originally Post By Exangellion On ---- When someone from Joel's past arrives at the gate's of Jackson, will Joel revert back to his old ways? Or will he fight for what he currently has? --- ((EllieXOC))