Chapter 1

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I scream as I run into my house and shut the door. This was it! Summer break is here and Tara and I are going to Paris! We've been planning this trip for months and we've both lost our fair share of sleep doing it. And now, the trip is finally here!
"Addison, is that you?" Mom ask when I walk through the foyer.

"Yeah." I say walking calmly into the kitchen.
"Excited for the trip?" She asked.
"Heck yeah!" I squeal.
She laughs. "Your flight is at five in the morning." She tells me.
"I hate early morning flights." I say getting my phone out to text Tara about our boarding info and when we have to be at the airport.
Me: We have to be at the airport at three in the morning. Do you have your ticket?

"You can sleep on the plane." She says.
"Mom, I'm too excited, there won't be any sleeping." I reply.
"True." She says as she begins chopping up the carrots for dinner.

I go in my room, put my bag down and check over my list of things I need.
"Awesome! Haven't forgotten anything." I say to myself.
My phone beeped with a text from Tara.
Tara: Lovely.

I give a small laugh.
Me: Tell me about it.
Tara: Is it okay if I spend the night?
Me: Sure.
I reply dropping my phone onto my bed. I rolled over and turned on my laptop so I can practice my French speaking. I've been trying to learn French but it's not going well. At least, I know how to say hello, goodbye, thank you, and please. Thankfully, Tara is fluent in French. If I went to Paris without a translator or someone who doesn't speak French I would be lost.
"Hey, we're having Ravioli for dinner. It'll be ready soon." My mom said as she passed by my door on the way to her room.
"Okay mom! Tara is coming over to spend the night." I called out.
"Sounds good." she replied.
I look at the clock and its three thirty. "Tonight is going to be a long night." I whisper to myself. I lean back against my pillows and close my eyes.

"Addison, wake up. It's dinner time." says someone, nudging me.
I rub my eyes and look up to see Tara standing over my bed.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Five." Tara replies.
"I fell asleep at three thirty." I said.
"Well you needed to wake up so we can eat and then try to go to sleep before our flight." she replied.
"Sleep is for the weak!" I said as I got out of bed and walked out of my room and into the dinner table.
"I'm so freaking excited." Tara said as she took a sip of her tea. "Maybe we'll meet a famous person."
I take a bite of my food before replying. "Maybe, who knows."
"They've been saying for seven months that Eponine and Cosette have been missing." She tells me, taking her phone out of her pocket. Only she knows who these people are, for me I just go along.
"This is what they look like." She says showing me a picture. Eponine has brown hair and blue eyes, and Cosette has blonde hair and blue eyes.
"They're pretty." I say.
"I hope they get found sometime soon. I would hate to be lost." Tara said, shuddering.
"Me too." I reply.
My mind doesn't really focus on the two celebrities getting kidnapped. My mind focuses on the fact that Tara and I both look so much alike to them. We could be their siblings, almost their twins. It's so odd how we look so much alike.
"Addy!" Tara says.
"Oh what?" I ask snapping out of my trance.
"Don't we look like them?" She asks.
"Yeah, we could cut out for their siblings." I reply.
"I would love to be Eponine's sister." She tells me. I nod.
Throughout the rest of dinner Tara and I laughed and talked about what we had planned. We talked about how we would take a bunch of pictures on the Effiel Tower and made sure all of our friends were jealous. I know whenever we come back they'll ask us two hundred questions on what was it like.

Four hours later I'm getting ready for bed. After the dance party Tara and me had we are both exhausted.
"I can't wait to fly!" I say. "
That'll probably be the best part of our trip according to you." She says with a laugh.
I laugh back. "Probably." I say. I get out a pink tank that says "Free Spirit" on it and my floral black and pink shorts to put them on.
"Are you taking that shirt with you?" she asks.
"I'm going with this on." I say.
"You'll freeze!" She says. "I'll pack my sweat pants in my backpack. Also I'll bring a blanket." I reply.
She rolls her eyes and goes through her suitcase and carry on bag one last time.
"I have everything. Ready to go to sleep?" She asks.
"If I can even sleep?" I reply.
"True. And that's where Benedryl comes in." she says as she produces a pink allergy pill from her bad and takes it with some water.
"You're crazy." I laugh as a I crawl into bed. Tara is on the left side of me and soon falls asleep. But for me it's a restless night.

It's 1:30 in the morning and I am wide awake. I can't sleep, not now. I should have taken the Benedryl like Tara did. It would help me sleep and keep my allergies away. No use taking it now because we have to get up soon anyways. Since sleep is obviously not going to happen, I decide to listen to music. The music blares "Holes in the Sky" by M83, one of my favorite songs. I then go on Facebook and check my feed. Nothing, nothing is there for me to answer to. Ugh, when will this night pass? I want to be in Paris now, not at my house wide awake waiting for the day I travel.
Luckily, after I start getting on other social media sites the time flies by. Now it's two in the morning and Tara's phone rings for her to get up.
"Good morning." She says.
"Hey." I reply.
"Did you get any sleep?" She asks.
"No, I could never get tired." I say.
"Ah, well that's too bad." She tells me. I nod and turn off my phone.
"Are you bringing that with you?" She asks me as she puts on a grey sweat shirt that says Seattle Grace Hospital on it and blue sweat pants with the word dance going down one leg.
"Is your laptop packed." she asked me as she checked her blood sugar.
"Yep. Is your blood sugar okay?" I ask.
"Yep. It's 103 mg/dl, which is a good number to start the day with." she says as she puts away her diabetic supplies and begins to stretch. She's always gotten up and stretched, it's her first priority every morning. She says that she will forgets sometimes but we both know she goes home and stretches after school.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask.
"A half-boiled egg, yogurt and granola." She says as she slides into the center splits.
"Okay, I'll wake up mom." I say going to the bathroom and looking at my messy bun. I unravel it and brush it through. I then braid it and brush my teeth. After I'm done I pack my toiletries along with my makeup and put them in my suitcase.
I go into my moms room and then wake her up. She's like me, not a morning person. I can tell she hardly got any sleep by the way she carries herself. She doesn't really slope down like she does on regular mornings. She's more happier now then that time we went to Florida and had to get up at four o'clock every day.

"How did you sleep?" She asks me.
"I didn't." I reply.
"I'm sorry." She says.
"It'll be fine. Once we are flying out of Atlanta, I'll have time to sleep. I tell her.
"Good luck in that airport." She says. "
We will need it." I mumble. It's true, if you've ever been in Atlanta, Georgia's airport you know that it's huge. You can probably put two malls in it. You can easily get lost in it, and I hope Tara and I don't.
"What do you girls want for breakfast?" Mom asks.
"Tara wants a half boiled egg, yogurt and granola. I want cheese eggs and bacon." I reply.
"Okay, it will be ready soon." She says.
I run up the stairs and gather suitcase and travel stuff for Paris. I meet Tara downstairs and we load up in our car before going to sit on the sofa in the living room.

"Here you go." Mom says handing us our food.
"Do you have your passport?" I ask Tara.
"Yeah, you?" She ask. "Right here." I say grabbing it from the counter.
By then it's two twenty five and we quickly eat our food down before getting into the car and heading to the airport.
By the time I get to the airport it's three and we go to check in after saying by to my mom. The airport by then is getting full and we have to wait twenty minutes in the security line but it's not bad once we get to our gate.
"Where are we going from here?" I ask Tara.
"We are going to Atlanta." She says.
"Great." I mumble.
"Once we land in Atlanta we switch to our international flight." She tells me.

"Do we stop in London?"
I ask. "Yeah then we go to Paris."
Just then our boarding number is called out. We get in line and hand over our tickets to the lady who will check us in.
"Name please?" She ask.
"Tara Neill and Addison Sanders." I reply handing over our tickets. She checks them before handing it to use and waving us into the plane.
"I have an idea." I say once we're seated on the plane. Tara is sitting in the window seat and I'm sitting in the middle seat.
"What?" asks Tara.

"Let's take selfies wherever we go. When we get back I'll put them all together and make a collage out of it." I reply.
"Sounds like a plan." She says.
After a while our plane takes off and I slowly drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2015 ⏰

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