fight part 2

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* Still matt's POV *
Its almost time for the show and Sarah wants me to pick out what she's going to wear . I pick out a pair of high waisted shorts with a black t shirt , red vans , and a red and black flannel shirt when Sarah walks in she takes her clothes into the bathroom and takes a shower for like an hour or two the she comes out looking beautiful . damn that girl can rock anything you give her , she has her hair In a neat messy bun and a black bandana #taylormoment and her flannel around her waist
Sarah: wow matt you can really pick out some clothes*she said with a pretty smirk*
I give her a toothy grin
Me: whatever, come on we're going to be late
Her: Eger to go *pops her tongue* or nahhh
Me: I'm just ready to see you and Shawn fight
Her: damn I forgot about that* gets her phone out and gets on Twitter
Hey guys me and @shawnmendes are fight to night comment who you think will win
After like five min
She gets 56m likes,67k retweets,and comments and hashtags
Most of the comments say Sarah
*Sarah's POV*
*at the show cause I'm lazy AF*
After a while Shawn sings life of the party , stitches and bring it back and now its time to fight , Nash has the mic so I take it from and yell" WHOS READY TO SEE ME AND THE SHAWN MENDES fIGHT" the crowd gets loud
Shawn runs up behind me and picks me up spinning me around I play punch him in the nose , then he falls on purpose playing, I stand over him and fake punch him then he reaches up and tickles me I fall on stage and all the boys run over and tickles me Matt picks me up and kisses me on my nose and all the boys are saying ewwww and the crowd is screaming bloody murder and I tell Matt to put me down for a sec and I get down and me and Shawn bow to the crowd

Hey guys IG that's an long chapter I'll try yo update Monday love you guys comment your Instagram name and I'll follow you .

My insta: thegrierlovers

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