Chapter seven

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Bakugou's Pov. 1 day until the new student


"Y-yes K-kacchan?"


"H-he's i-in J-Japan?"


"I w-wasn't s-s-supposed t-to k-know?"


I storm off. Why the fuck would shitty hair tell Deku, Shoto was back? I told him to tell anyone. Mina's officially got into his head.


"Leave me alone."

"Please can we talk?"

"About what? You ignoring my request to not tell Deku about my best friend being back for the first time in 13 fucking years?"

"Yes. I'm sorry. He presured me into saying something."


"He called me and he was acting like the normal Midoriya, when he started asking about you two. Eventually he wore me down and I just said, 'Shoto's with Katsuki right now.'"

"I'm going to fucking kill him."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Honestly I regreted it as soon as I said anything."

"It's fine."

I walk away and go to one of the bathrooms. And text Shoto.


B- I have to tell you something.

T- Yes?

B- Deku knows your in Japan.

T- How?

B- Someone told him.

T- Who?

B- I don't know.

T- Oh.

B- Yeah. Well I have to go, I'll see you after school.

T- Ok bye!

B- Bye.

Ok so I may have lied. I just don't want Shoto to get mad at Eijiro before he even meets him.

Anyway, I go to class and listen to Mr. Aizawa.

Midoriya Pov

After school I plan to meet up with Todoroki. Yes I don't know where he is but I'll follow Kacchan. Personally I don't understand why Kacchan over reacted. He was my friend too. Sure we weren't as close but he's still my friend. And my crush. I haven't seen him in a couple years but he probably looks the same. Right? Yeah.


"Y-yes Mr. Aizawa?"

"Are you paying attention?"


"What was I talking about?"

"Y-you w-were t-t-talking about-..... I don't know." I say whispering the last part.

"After school detention."

"WHAT?!" Why did I yell?

"Don't raise your voice at me. 3 weeks after school detentions." He says his eyes glowing red.

"S-sorry." I put my head on my desk.

I hear Kacchan laughing. Why did Todoroki choose him? Over me? Are rhey in a relationship? Are they plotting against someone? So many questions.

I start drawing just because. Not really paying attention. Eventually the bell rings and I look at my art. Huh kinda looks like Todoroki. But older. If he's anything like this. No one deserves him.

"Midoriya stay."

"Yes sir."

I look down at the ground and wait for the lecture.

Bakugou's Pov



I hug him and he hugs me back.

"I missed you Katsuki."

"Simp. I mean missed you too Shoto."

"Hey!" He says hitting my chest lightly.

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry!" I say while we laugh.

"You best be!"

"Ok! I am!"


We laugh again.

"Come on I have to tell you about what happened with Deku." We start walking down a path with lots of cherry blossom trees.

"Did you hurt him?"


"WHAT?! You, Katsuki fucking Bakugou didn't hurt Midoriya?"

"Yup. I wanted to though."

"Ah there he is."

"Shut up. Anyways he got detention."


"Well he wasn't paying attention, then he yelled at Mr. Aizawa."

"Oh my god. Midoriya?"


"Izuku Midoriya. Screamed at a Pro Hero?"



"He did!"

"I'm speechless!"


"We might have to cut this short I have to run a few arrands."

"Can't I come with you?"

"No I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

Right as I said that a cherry blossom fell.



I hand him the flower.

"Have it."

"Thank you Katsuki!"

He hugs me. I hug him back wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him tighter.

We walk for a while longer until Shoto had to go. I hugged him one more and he left.

Shoto Pov

The reason I had to leave is because I'm picking up my supplies for school tomorrow. My uniform, my text books, my schedule, etc. I plan on surprising Katsuki.

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