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A/N: This is gonna be one of my first OC-centered fanfics I've ever made. Thank you so much for being patient and waiting for me to make this. I really hope that you all like this story (I also hope that I can actually keep up with this but that's another story LOL). ANYWAYS, enjoy! And please review if you can!


"Mr. Tilahun! We're here!"

The tall, burly man rises from his seat with a stretch. Iman Tilahun was a large man, standing at a whopping 6'7 feet tall. He was bald with lots of scars due to his military experience. He took pride in his past, though he retired to take care of his family. He loved his wife and he loved the baby girl that she carried. His wife, Amaya Tilahun, was a brilliant woman- a combat medic that took care of him whenever he got reckless in battle.

They both retired together and got married before buying property and fixing up a clinic. It was always Amaya's dream to run one and Iman was more than happy to help. On the other hand, Iman decided to become a diplomat for Ethiopia. He was well-respected by his community and the officials knew this.

Today, he was to travel to Japan to help facilitate trade relations.

"Alright," he strides to the front of the boat, looking ahead. It was his first time here- he'd be lying if he didn't get a little culture shock upon looking at the architecture. He turns to his right and sees his beloved red-cheeked cordon blue birds in their cage, a boy and a girl named Oseye and Zuri.

As a diplomat, he was expected to maintain positive relations with Japan since they can be good trade clients. Iman also wanted to bring his two of his birds as a parting gift; he certainly hoped they had an appreciation for them.

The boat reached the port, but oddly there didn't seem to be anyone there to meet them.

His ashen grey eyes slowly scan the area. He could see a huge blood spot near the pier and then a shadow of what appeared to be a human dashing from one pier to the next.

"One of you pass me my spear," he cautiously steps back, reaching a hand back to catch it.

Suddenly the shadowy figure leaps up high and lands on the front of the bow, doing massive damage to the board.

Iman grits his teeth, using his spear to ground himself as the boat tips forward, taking some of his men into the water.

The mist from the water finally stills, Iman finally getting a good view at the figure before him.

Standing before him was a pale, Japanese woman standing about 5'8", pale blonde hair with deep mahogany scaleras and piercing green eyes. Her black and red flower kimono was torn at the bottom and the sleeves and tinged with blood. She looked otherworldly- definitely was something Iman never seen before.

"Did you-?" Iman gulps before finishing his sentence. "Did you do this?"

The corner of the woman's lip curls into a smirk.

"You must be new here."

Iman pulls his spear out of the boat with force, readying it for a fight.

The woman lowly chuckles before throwing her head back for a loud, guttural laugh. She licks her lips, readying herself as well.

"Oh you sweet summer child, you've made a huge mistake."

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