Chapter 6

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"How am I supposed to go on this small tour if you can't come? I still can't trust that Brad won't do anything." Brian said.

"I can stay at your house, he doesn't know where it is." I said.

"Okay, well text me every hour so I know you're okay." He said.

"You know it." I said.

"I hate to leave you here alone." He said.

"I'll be okay, I'm a tough cookie." I said.

He smiled as he finished up packing. I didn't want him to leave at all, but I couldn't leave with him because I was going back to work this week and they've already gotten mad at me for missing this week.

"I love you, I'll see you soon. The bus is here." Brian said.

I pulled him in and hugged him, giving him a kiss after.

"I love you. Have fun." I said.

Brian smiled, walking out the door as I packed together some stuff to go to his house. I already didn't feel safe here because of Brad.

Once I got everything together I drove over to Brian's house and locked all the doors and windows just in case.

"It's okay Kendall, he can't reach you here." I whispered.

I placed my stuff down on Brian's bed and shot a text to Brian letting him know I made it to his place. I decided to make some dinner since I was too afraid to order anything. I jumped when I heard a knock on the door.

"Shit." I whispered.

I looked out the window and it was Matt's girlfriend Val. I sighed in relief as I opened the door.

"Hi Val." I said in a shaky tone.

"Jeez Kendall are you okay?" Val asked.

"Yes, just thought you were someone else." I said.

"Brad can't reach you here." She said.

"I know, I'm just still paranoid." I said.

"Can I come in? Brian said you might need some company." She said.

"Yes of course." I said, letting Val in and locking the door right after.

"So, why didn't you go on tour with them?" Val asked.

"I have to go back to work." I said.

"Right. I couldn't go because well I have to take care of my kids somehow. I'm only here because they're with their grandma and besides you look like you need someone here with you." She said.

"Yeah thanks." I said.

Another knock was at the door and I jumped again.

"Can you go look out the window and see who it is?" I asked.

Val nodded, looking out the window.

"I think that's Brad and his girlfriend." She said.

"Huh?" I sighed, going to the window.

It was for sure Brad and a different girl.

"What do I do?" I asked.

"I'll handle it, go hide." She said.

I went to the kitchen and she opened the door.

~Val's POV~

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked.

"Is Kendall here?" Brad asked.

"No, she's with Brian on his tour." I said.

"Can you let her know I was here and if she doesn't come back to me I'm gonna go to her house?" He asked.

"Okay, I will. I hope you rot in hell Brad." I said with a smile.

"Excuse you?" He asked.

"You heard me." I said.

"Who even are you?" He asked.

"I'm Brian's best friend. Now if you don't get off this property soon the cops will be called." I said.

"Fine." He said, leaving with the girl.

I shut the door and locked it as Kendall walked back out.

~Kendall's POV~

"He's probably gonna destroy my house." I said.

"I'm sorry Kendall." Val said.

"It's okay, I need to go to work. Are you gonna be here when I'm gone?" I asked.

"Yes." She said.

I nodded, going to get my clothes on for work. I worked at Target, it was the only job I could really do. After getting ready I drove over to my work and went to the register to help people.

After work I went straight home, shooting a text to Brian to say I was okay. He hasn't called or texted me in awhile, I really hoped HE was okay.

I sighed as I pulled in the driveway. I locked the door right after I closed it and Val was passed out on the couch. It was about 1 AM so I didn't blame her. I went to Brian's room and threw on his shirt and sweatpants. I couldn't really sleep because he wasn't here next to me, it sucked.

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