4 - Meeting II

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laura.colbert   business meetings with a business man– @lewishamilton 🥂

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@lewishamilton The pleasure is all mine.

@f1_fanatics2 I still believe there is something very sus going on between those 2.

@lea_xxjacobs2728 Always working hard. #lhlc

@danielricciardo You should stop developing the car even more. It's already impossible to beat the Mercedes this year.
↪️ 💬 @lewishamilton
Was it ever easy??

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19 February 2022

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f1.spotlight   SPOTTED! @lewishamilton was reportedly seen to enter a luxurious restaurant a few minutes after @laura.colbert this evening! Later on the two left the building together.

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@f1_fanatics2 There is soo much going on between them. Look at how dressed up Lewis is!
↪️ 💬 @mel.hgwld222
Yeah, he looks 🔥– as always!!!

@giselle_piminova27_x What a fine man!

@leasloft382 Leave them alone!!
↪️ 💬 @f1_fanatics2
Aren't you curious too?
↪️↪️ 💬 @leasloft382
Uhm yes? But I don't intrude people's privacy. Jeez.

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19 February 2022

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lewishamilton   Evening mood. [ 📸 :  @laura.colbert ]

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20 February 2022

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