Alex x Simon (crack/fluff pairing)

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Yes, I am starting with a crack pairing with the song Glad you came by Liilz what are you going to do?!

It was typical grey day on the field, The Eights hangout spot in the park, and on a lonely bench sits Alex who seemed to be rather annoyed.
"Damn you Zeek, I'm not a stupid sumo wrestler" Alex growls, while poking at the ground with a stick. Hearing footsteps he drops his stick and sits back up, looking towards the familiar person approaching him. Simon was his name, and while he wore his hood and mask, Alex thought that something beautiful led underneath. But that was weird to think about one of his friends so of course he wouldn't admit it. Not that anyone cared enough to ask.

"Wagwan Alex!" Simon said in his low voice. The only time it ever really got louder was when he was with Alex. The boy found him to be rather attractive, while many would think he put too much gel into his hair. Some of the other people they knew would say that Alex's hair could fuel a car with how much oil it probably contained. Simon didn't care, Alex was still beautiful in his eyes.

"I'm not too great, just poking the ground with a stick, but how are you?" Alex asked, with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Eh, I'm alright. What happened?" Simon responded, a concerned look taking over his face. "Zeek called me a sumo wrestler. Hahaha Zeek what a stupid name" Alex laughed. "Well Zeek is an idiot sometimes" Simon smiled reassuringly, "Don't let him get to you, he doesn't deserve to take up your time. Unlike m-"

This got Alex's attention. "Unlike who?". Simon lips revealed no answer. "C'MON JUST TELL ME!" Alex yelled, smiling all the while. "I was going to say unlike me..." Simon said, his voice barely a whisper. But Alex heard loud and clear. "Me?" He blushed. "Didn't you date Harmonica? Are you gay?" Alex looked at him in bewilderment. "I'm bisexual..I think. And yeah I like you" Simon said with a soft smile. "I- I- I like you too.." Alex stuttered. They both leaned in....
Now only the people that personally know me will get why this is labeled as "Crack Pairing". But I hope those of you who don't know still enjoyed this oneshot

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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