On Days Like Today

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Jaebum(JB) x Reader


Genre: Fluff

Summary: Your first time sleeping over with Jaebum.
      Imagine This..

     Rain calmly tapped against the window behind you, the room temperature had dropped the slightest. You had spent the day cuddling under a soft blanket watching random movies, and after occasionally falling asleep, he managed to stay awake through the whole 'Baby and Me' movie.
  You sat up, yawning and extending your arms, "I can't believe we've gone through this whole stack," You breathed, pointing to the pile of movies that the two of you spent the day watching.
  "Well, yeah. It's already six," He stretched his arms out before looking at the clock on his phone. He dropped it when a loud boom of thunder was heard, like a drum in the sky. You both heard yelping from the other room, only for BamBam to come running under the blanket that was still wrapped around Jaebum.
  "That rain is seriously holding up," Mark peered out the window to see the trees blown by strong wind and the rain furiously dropping to the ground.
  "Yah, Noona, you're not driving home in that storm, are you?" Yugyeom chimed in, sitting at the counter with a bowl of ramen.
  You looked outside, it looked, in no way, safe to drive. You heaved a sigh, "I have no other choice," You shrugged sitting by BamBam on the couch.
  "Nuh-uh, it's too dangerous out there," Jaebum shook his head, interjecting immediately.
  "Yay! Slumber party!" BamBam clapped before hugging your side.
  "I don't know.. I can go home perfectly fine, I promise," As exciting as the idea was, you definitely did not want to come off as a burden to the guys.
  "Oh, come on. It'll be fun," Yugyeom pouted, clasping his hands together, "Please?" He whined.
  You looked around, "It's really not up to me.." The boys' attention turned to Jaebum. After all, he was the leader.
  "Yeah, cause your boyfriend would say no," Jackson chuckled with his sarcasm, heading toward the fridge.
  "Hyung?" Jinyoung raised his eyebrow, testing Jackson's theory.
  "No," He replied, sarcastically, "Of course she's staying over. Who would let anyone drive in this weather ?" He chuckled.
  You smiled, BamBam hugging you again, "Yayy!~" He held you by your shoulders, "You can sleep with me and-"
  "Wait, wait, wait," Jaebum interrupted, "There is no way in hell that I'm letting ____ spend the night with you. If she's staying over, she's staying with me," He pointed to himself, looking at BamBam.
  "Ew, no way am I sleeping in the same room as you two. I'm taking the couch tonight," Jackson made a playfully disgusted look; as if you'd actually do 'anything' with Jaebum while Jackson was in the room.
  "No it's fine, I'll take the couch," You smiled, hoping they'd settle this now.
  Jaebum pouted, "That is not how we treat guests here," Youngjae chimed in, suddenly walking into the room, "Especially if it's hyung's girlfriend."
  After contemplating, it was settled that you would be sleeping with Jaebum, and Jackson decided to sleep with BamBam, since he was afraid to sleep alone with the thunderstorm.
  "Here, take an extra blanket since it's cold," Jaebum handed you a blanket to sleep with on Jackson's bed. Surprisingly, he was okay with you taking his bed tonight.
  "Thank you," You smiled before setting the blanket down on the bed. You and Jaebum had never slept in the same room before, let alone the same bed, so this was different for you. It was a bittersweet feeling knowing that you'll be in seperate beds. Another roar of thunder was heard just before a struck of lightning cracked through the sky, the lights going out. You jumped from the sudden noise, and you were now pretty scared that you couldn't see, "Jaebum.." You whispered, unsure of what to do.
  He found his way to you, holding you in his arms, "It's just thu-"
  "Noona~" A light was shown on the two of you. It was BamBam.
  JB was beyond frustrated with him at this point, "What is it, BamBam?" You smiled, letting go of your boyfriend.
  "I'm scared and Jackson is taking up the bed. Can I sleep with you guys?" He pouted, knowing that you couldn't say no. For his hyung, however, it was the mere opposite.
  "No way, get out here.." He tried to say it as nicely as he could, but that obviously failed. Your boyfriend was not a mean person, he's the sweetest guy you know, but BamBam had just been pushing his buttons.
  "Okay.." He whispered before glumly walking out of the room, dramatically sighing, "I guess I'll sleep on the floor, then."
  He had walked with a pout on his face all the way down the hall and back into his room, "You're so mean," You whined, frowning at the look on BamBam's face.
  "Have you slept with the boy?" He raised his eyebrows, suddenly changing his expression, "I didn't mean it that way  of course you haven't.." You snorted at his dorkiness. He's too cute. "I meant that he's like a huge baby, I swear," He crossed his arms, looking to the side.
  You sighed, chuckling, "Let's go to bed, then," You lightly pushed him to his bed. Just as you were both about to lay down, you heard a bug thump in the hallway. You gave Jaebum a confused look, even though you couldn't see each other's faces. You grabbed your phone as a flash light, and opened the door to find BamBam on the floor, wrapped up in his blanket, "What are you doing?"
  You helped him get up, "I was trying to walk over here-"
  "For what ?" Jaebum immediately interrupted, earning a nudge on the elbow.
  "Please let me sleep with you. Please? I promise to not bother you, and I'll go to sleep soon, I just don't want to be stuck with Jackson snoring like a bear.."
  Jaebum sighed, "Fine.. But you're not sleeping with ____."
  BamBam nodded cutely, climbing into Jackson's bed, while Jaebum had set up a spot on the floor for him to sleep, "Are you sure you're fine on the floor?" You whispered, climbing into his bed.
  "Yeah, I'll be fine. Make sure you cover up," he pulled a blanket over you, giving up his to give you another one, "What blanket are you going to use?" BamBam had already gotten settled and hushed like he promised, so those two blankets were his.
  JB layed back down, turning to the side, "I'll be fine." He said, closing his eyes.
  "Jaebum.." You pouted.
  "Go to sleep, ____," He gently whispered, holding your hand that dangled off the bed.
  You complied, knowing how stubborn he is, but you still worried about him-- It was freezing. You were finally dozing off to sleep when another roar of thunder boomed through the sky, making you jump and yelp in fear, squeezing his hand. BamBam had already surprisingly fell asleep, you'd assumed, considering he would've had the same reaction.
  "Jaebum.." You whispered, shaking his hand lightly.
  "I can't sleep.." He slowly sat up, drowsily looking at the rain through the cracked window.
  "Baby, it's just thunder," He chuckled.
  "I know, but.. can you sleep with me?" You whispered hesitantly, biting your lip. There was a moment of silence that made you wonder if you were overstepping boundaries with that question, but it was what you felt would be comfortable, in all innocence.
  "A-are you sure?" He finally broke the deathening silence, you smiled at his sudden shyness. He was immensely happy that you asked, but still insecure about it.
  You nodded and he slowly climbed into the bed, next to you- he would've ran if he weren't hiding his excitement. He admitted that it felt a lot better than being on the floor with no blanket. "I offered it back, Jaebum," You whispered, laughing lightly.
   He held your hands under the blanket, locking your fingers, "I didn't want you to be cold," He kissed the back of your hand. You two had long forgotten about BamBam even being in the room, getting comfortable with being in the same bed as each other.
  He eventually pulled you closer to him, a light tint of blush creeping to your cheeks, "I love you so much," He whispered in that beautiful voice of his. You kissed his lips, telling him you feel the same, "Look," he guided your hand to his chest, to feel his heart beating. It was going about the same pace as yours-- fast but steady, "That's your doing," he kissed your forehead.
  You smiled, burying your face in his chest. Since when did he get so cheesy? The thunder had stopped, and there was that relaxing sound of rain drops hitting the floor, "On days like today, will you always let me sleep over?"
  "Always," He whispered once more before both of you began to drift to sleep as minutes passed.
  "Go to sleep, BamBam."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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