Chapter 2 - Her

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The day wasn't particularly busy for Katsuki but he definitely had a lot to deal with in those hours. He just wanted to go home and relax. The paper work and everything was just a bit tiring. He eventually finished looking forward to getting some much needed rest. As he drove home admiring the sunset as he drove.

The quiet drive eventually landed him home as he walked in sighing in relief as he managed to get home to relax. He had a shower before heading downstairs to the kitchen deciding to make some curry for himself before he sat down to watch some tv. After it was all done he ended up switching channels a few times till he could something vaguely interesting. His tense muscles relaxing into the luxury couch. To this day he still triumphantly smirks at the food he makes. He's a damn talented cook and he knows it.

Half way into the movie the main character professes his love for the main love interest as she declines making him groan as he argued with the tv.

"Maybe if you put more fucking thought into what she likes she wouldn't reject you!" He snapped as though the character could hear him. Before he heard some shuffling. And again more shuffling.

Someone was in his house...

Definitely not the smartest move to try breaking into the number. 2 heroes house...

He placed his empty bowl on the table as he slid his palms down the couch feeling for the compartment he hid certain weapons for times like these. Taking his gun out from the couch hiding it behind his back as he stalked his was to the kitchen. There was a groan before he turned the corner being hit with confusion as a woman in an apron lay on the ground clutching her ankle. Putting his gun away but keeping his guard up he flicked the light on as she looked up stunned.

"Oh my god Katsuki!" She sighed in relief still trying to hide the pain in her face from her ankle.

"Do I know you?" He asked extremely suspicious as to who this woman was and what she was doing in his house.

"Shut up you big baby and help me just because you go on a trip for two weeks doesn't mean you get to act like you don't know me." She huffed as his brows knitted in confusion, who was she to talk to him like that?

"I'm not going to ask you again, who are you?" He asked keeping his face emotionless.

"Are you having a moment again?" She frowned. "I'm the most amazing woman in the world, Y/N Bakugou now help me up!" She pouted as his eyes widened, blood running cold. 'A relative?' (Daisuke moment). He eventually gave in lifting her up but she wrapped her arms around him hugging him closely. 'What the fuck is she doing relatives don't do this?' He would admit it to himself though she smelt amazing and she was incredibly warm until she lifted her head placing her lips on his as he froze. 'Okay relatives definitely don't do that' he panicked unable to move as she pulled away, partly because she was kissing him and also because her hands were wrapped around his neck he was uncomfortable at that.

"You okay Katsu?" She asked feeling his forehead as he remained completely confused. Unknowingly scratching him as he quickly pulled her hand away feeling what scratched him, the cold metal on her finger. 'What the-'

Suddenly noticing the ring. Beautiful, extravagant yet elegant. Diamond in the centre surrounded by crystals. She frowned pulling his hand away as she looked at the scratch pulling his face closer as she kissed it pouting as she ran her hand through his hair.

"Did you eat yet sweetheart?" She asked as he nodded not knowing whether to tell her he doesn't know who the fuck she is or play along in the hopes of finding out what kind of sick joke this is. "Okay...just help me to the couch please my ankle hurts like hell." She said cringing as the pain shot up her leg while she tried to take a step. He gave up lifting her bridal style as he placed her down. He couldn't for the life of him understand why it's felt so right though.

"How did you hurt it?" He asked deciding he will play along.

"I was waiting for when you came back home. I knew you'd be tired so I wanted to make you something but I slipped- And I know you said I shouldn't climb on the counter...I'm sorry okay. I just wanted to hurry." She said pouting as he looked at her confused.

"Well why didn't you call me?"

"I thought you would be busy Katsu and besides I can't come crying to you everytime I hurt myself." She huffed as he sighed. He needed to find out what the fuck was going on. A random woman shows up in his house claiming to be some Y/N Bakugou and besides that she has a wedding ring on. Then it clicked.

"What was the happiest day of your life?" He asked as her eyes lit up.

"The day I met you of course! But I did love the day we got married." She smiled at him a kind, beaming, wide smile. She really was beautiful but wait...shit, shit, shit!

His eyes widened dramatically as he ran to excuse himself as she nodded smiling at him. The nausea hit him all at once as he darted to the bathroom throwing up all the contents of his stomach...his fucking wife? He has a fucking wife? No way! He figured this must be someone's quirk how else would he magically receive a wife? But you know what he was sick and fucking tired and he was going to milk the situation while it lasted. So he got up cleaning himself up before leaving the bathroom as he removed his jacket deciding to enjoy privilege number 1. He sat down on the couch pulling Y/N's legs up as he rested on her (size) thighs loving the comfort they gave him a small smile gracing his features as she unconsciously ran her hand through his hair. He loved it...and he was going to take full advantage of it.

After a while more of tv she told him she would join him going to bed early. His internal smirk rivalling the devil as he thought about how much she was accustomed to his habits. She was perfect for him. The two walked up stairs as he was about to take out a new toothbrush freezing as he entered his room. It looked more or less the same except for the identical closet on the opposite side. What was going on? He moved to the side of his bed seeing a picture the two. His house is changing? What kind of quirk is this?

She returned shortly after as he got ready for bed as well turning to his side contemplating whether to cuddle her. However his question was answered when snuggled into his arm making him smirk as he lifted it over her pulling her closer. She was so warm and comforting...

𝓦𝓘𝓕𝓔 (𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾 𝓚𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓲 𝓧 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻)Where stories live. Discover now