Chapter 2: Friends turn to strangers in the blink of an eye

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Apo was finally in the clearing after so, so long. He was a ghost sure, but he could see his friends. Even if he couldn't interact with them. Apo looked around for anyone nearby. He walked his way towards the gate and noticed that there were new levers as well as some being moved to some sort of... memorial lever wall? He saw the names Squidney, Oeca, Mohwee, Red? and Apo. He knew Red would be alive in the maze but... Apo couldn't help but wonder what happened to Squidney, Oeca and Mohwee. Did the griever get them? Did Owen kill them too? or did someone else kill them? Did they get killed by a trap? Are they just missing?

His head filled with ideas of what could've happened. Suddenly, he heard talking. Owen and Rasbi walked past the gate toward a maze entrance that he didn't remember opening, must be new. Apo followed the two thinking about how it would've been like if he hadn't pulled the lever. If he hadn't lied to Owen. But at least the Fruit Trio was together again, in spirit that is.

After at least half an hour of walking, they stopped at the entrance of the fourth entry hallway to the maze.

"This is it?" Rasbi said staring into the maze, "I thought it would look more dangerous considering the dark maze is right across from it"

"Yea, maybe it is dangerous. You never know" Owen stated in a suspicion worthy tone

"true" Rasbi answered, "So, are we going in or...?"

"So there going in" Apo said quietly

"Yep, we map out the entry bits and leave" Owen said walking in with a spear in hand

The Fruit Duo walked into the maze mapping out some of the turns while Apo followed. Until, they came across a dead end.

"I guess we should turn back, right Owen? Rasbi said as she turned around to see Owen gripping his spear in his hand with amber orange eyes blazing, "Owen?"

"You know, putting up the act of the weakling version of me you know is exhausting..." Owen said with a growing smile

"W-what? Owen what are you talking about!" Rasbi yelled

"Do you know what happened.... to Apo?" Owen asked menacingly

"He got caught by the griever in the entrance?" guessed Rasbi

"Not quite" Owen said almost on the brink of laughter, "I killed him! I KILLED APO!"

"What...?" Rasbi said as tears fell down her face, feeling betrayed she asked, "why?... What did Apo do to deserve death!?"

"Exist. It was a demon... like you" Owen said walking slowly towards Rasbi, "Now its your turn"

"Owen! Please this isn't you!" Rasbi yelled hoping to get someone's attention, it did

Apo, who had gotten lost, heard Rasbi's cries and immediately knew what was happening. He ran toward the noise and right as Owen threw the very same spear he had killed Apo with, he ran in front of Rasbi and caught the spear. wait... caught?

He looked behind him at Rasbi to see her both relieved and horrified. Owen on the other hand looked surprised and furious.

He was visible.

Owen and Rasbi can see him.

But how? He was a ghost.

He died.

His thoughts overthrew his mind until...

"Apo?" Rasbi said practically sobbing at this point

"Hey Rasbi" Apo said as he turned around putting down the spear to hug his friend

"But... Your dead! How are you here?" Rasbi said hugging her dead friend back

"Yea..." Apo said pulling away from the hug and looking at Owen, "I'm dead because I trusted someone who I thought was a friend"

"What does it matter? I'll just kill you again and again until you stay dead!" Owen shouted in anger

"I'll just keep coming back then! I won't let you kill anyone else!" Apo responded

Rasbi was sitting in the dead end of the corridor watching a clock Owen had given her trying to hold back the waterfall of tears making their way down her face. It was going to be night soon, and yet, the friends she had lost were still fighting. Then she noticed Apo was gone. Owen's eyes were now red. Not calm brown or amber orange. Just red.

"Rasbi, are you ok?" Owen? said running toward her, dropping the spear he had clutched in his hand

His voice sounded almost distorted. Like Owen and Apo were saying the same thing at the same time. Apo was a ghost now. Could he possibly possess people? Did he possess Owen?

"Owen?" Rasbi said pushing herself against the wall

"What do you mean? It's me, Apo" he said stopping in front of Rasbi, "Do you want to go back to the Clearing? It'll be night in a bit"


End of Chapter 2

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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