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Javon I swear to god touch my hair again and we're trowing hands Ava said slapping Javon hand away again

What are you going to do slap me I'm a boxer I've been slap hit and punched Javon said rolling his eyes

Boxer my ass shut up and stop using that as a excuse Ava said trowing her head back on Javon pillow

What are you doing Jaden said opening the door to see Javon and Ava glaring at each other

Nothing Javon said crossing his arms and stop looking at Ava

Yea nothing Ava said trying to hold back her laughter

Y'all are weird Jaden said closing the door

Wait Ava your mom and out mom wants us downstairs to sing happy birthday Jaden said opening. The door again

Javon I swear to god if try and put the cake in my face I'll choke you Ava said getting up from Javon bed leaving his room

Choke me try it Javon said laughing leaving his room after Ava

There's the birthday girl Ava mom said bring her into the kitchen

Yay birthday girl this is so embarrassing Ava said under her breath

Alright everyone on the count of 1 we start singing happy birthday Jessica Said lighting the Candles on the cake

3... 2... 1...

Happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Ava happy birthday to you Walton's and brown said singing

Now blow out the candles the brown family Said

As Ava blew out the candles Jaden snuck up behind her and pushed her head down into the cake

Gasped could be heard as Ava slowly lifted up her head from the cake slowly while whipping her face

Who did that Ava said in a low voice

Jaden did it wasn't me this time Javon said yelling and pointed over to Jaden

Jaden I swear to god go hide your baseball bats cause I will hit you with one Ava said looking Jaden in the eye as his eyes go wide

Here a towel Jaya said handing Ava a towel as Ava wiped her face

Alright kids go have fun we're gonna have grown up time Jessica said shooing the kids away

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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