Chapter 4

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"Motherfucker!" Louis yells, eyes popping in front of his mirror the morning after Harry's Sunday visit. "Fuck," he hisses, leaning in and examining his neck that's littered with purplish bruises. It looks like he's been fucking assaulted, beaten up with a baseball bat by someone who kept aiming specifically for his neck.

Louis growls while stomping towards his dresser and starting to vehemently dig through his drawers.

Fucking Harry. The bastard. That motherfucking bastard! This was so his intention. He is a monster. Fucking rude. And evil. He's an evil monster who snuck his way into Louis' shower and probably used the moment to avenge whatever it was that made him mad at Louis in the first place last week. Louis cannot believe he fucking swallowed for him.


He finds the shirt he's looking for, holding it up before him in front of the mirror. He doesn't even know why he owns the shirt. He shakes his head grimly, mentally sending daggers across the block. He is going to murder Harry at practice.


"Why do you look like a complete twat?"

Louis whips around in a full-body movement where he's just sat down next to Niall in the library. "What?" he hisses. "It's a turtleneck. Have you never seen one before?"

"Yeah... just not on you." He eyes Louis up and down.

"Well, it's cold, okay?"

"It's not that cold."

Louis glances up, giving him a silencing look. Would he just let it slide, alright? Louis is not doing this by free will. Harry's stupid fucking love bites are covering his entire neck. This is his fault. Louis doesn't care about the reason why he came to his house yesterday in the first place – which was very, very strange and Louis shall ignore it forever, along with the fact that Harry licked Louis' cum off his fucking stomach – the only thing he cares about is planning out in perfect detail how he's going to kick his ass.

"Stop watching me," Louis says, feeling Niall's eyes on him.

"I just can't really... comprehend this."

"It's cold. Okay? Let it go."

Niall sighs next to him. "Fine. You still look like a twat, though." There's a shutter sound coming from his right. "And this will also not be forgotten, ever."

Louis is going to kill Harry.

They try to study after that. Louis still hasn't finished his English assignment and he's already gotten two new projects to start on today in other classes. He really should try to get more revising into his schedule, which is rather full. He needs to return his maths homework tomorrow and he hasn't even started yet. He's also got the late shift at the fro-yo shop, and that's not helping him in the slightest. He needs to get this finished.

"Hey," Niall says after a couple of minutes of silence. "We haven't hung out in a while. Like, outside of school, properly."

That's another thing. Niall has somehow become subordinate to everything else, and Louis feels terrible. There's just so much stuff he's got to do and neglecting his best friend is the last thing Louis wanted, but it has just happened to turn out that way.

"I'm really sorry, mate," Louis says sincerely. "I've been so busy lately." He's got no good excuse.

"I know," Niall says easily. He slaps a hand on his upper arm, squeezing. "It's okay. I just miss you, Lou."

"Aw, Niall," Louis jokes, but says earnestly, "I miss you too, mate."

"Good," his friend grins. "Then how about Friday, I come over and we'll have pizza with Lottie and watch movies like we used to, yeah?" He smirks. "And then I'll talk to my contact and set us up with the nice little lady Mary."

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