Chapter One

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(A/N: so, basically protag (y/n) comes in about eight years earlier, and yeah... she's 15 and everyone else is 8 years younger. Also, Melli is in this, and tried to keep the whole thing canon, but had a lot of trouble with Melli. My friend told me he's Adaman's brother (according to Wikipedia), and was too lazy to look it up and took her word for that. Also, I estimated Melli at about 18 main storyline. So... yeah. I tried my best, and hope you like this first chapter! Also, I debated using Japanese Honorifics and chose to use them.)

The sky was getting farther away. So was the top of the building. I should have been afraid, but all I could think was how lovely the air felt rushing past me. I closed my eyes, a light smile on my lips. I opened my eyes, hoping to see the sky one last time. Only, the beautiful sky I'd seen before was now a huge, all-consuming black hole. I blinked again. Now there was a huge mountain instead of the urban skyline. Not only that, but it felt as if every foot I fell, I lost another memory.

A lucky soul may have landed in water, or soft sand. I, (l/n) (y/n), was not a lucky person. I felt the scrape of hard branches as I hit hard the ground next to a tree. Ass my body started to roll as soon as I hit the mountain, some impact was absorbed. Only, not enough. I blacked out, the intense pain stinging my entire body.


I felt something soft and warm rubbing against my hand. I opened my eyes lightly to see a creature I recognized as the Pokémon Eevee. How I recognized it... I don't know.

"H-hi, what-" I could hardly even talk without being distracted by the stinging throughout my body. "What are you going a-all the way out... out here?"

The Eevee made some sort of cute noise in response, and I struggled up to stand using a nearby tree. I checked the pockets of my heavy black and yellow coat (I had a faint recollection of someone important to me having a very similar one) and felt something missing. I sighed, was it a journal or something? That seemed like it might be helpful to read about now. I looked at my coat again and noticed how ripped it was. My gold wrist watch was gone to. Was that important? I didn't quite remember. I held onto nearby trees for support as I limped in towards a forest. I kept struggling to walk, even though I was sure at least one of my legs was broken. I noticed the Eevee seemed to be following me, and turned to it.

"Would... you like to travel with me? A-and be my partner Pokémon?" The Eevee made a happy sounding noise and seemed nod, so I smiled and continued walking and talking to my new Pokémon friend. "Well, we should think of something to call you. You seem too special to be called just Eevee!" The Pokémon responded with a little hum of agreement and I thought for a moment.

"How about Ahmya?" The Eevee, no, Ahmya, jumped up onto my shoulder and nuzzled my cheek.

As I smiled and giggled with my Pokémon partner, almost forgetting about the terrible pain I was in, Iwas roughly reminded as I tripped over a tree root and landed harshly on the rough ground... and this time, I knew I wouldn't be able to get up.

"H-hey!" I looked up to see a bow with long blue- or maybe purple? I couldn't really tell- reaching his hand out to me, "Are you okay miss?"

"Heh... you really don't need to call me that, my name is (l/n) (y/n), and yeah, I could use some help."

"My brother and I can help you!" He beamed, helping me up, "Oh, and my name's Melli, by the way, (l/n)-san"

"Just call me (y/n)!" I beamed

"O-okay, (y/n)-san!"

As Melli led me back to his village, he nervously told me all about how him and his older brother had been living alone since an Alpha Pokémon had attacked their village. Then he when on and on about how much this girl from an opposing clan annoyed him. I smiled, all of a sudden, getting a feeling that he reminded me of someone. Oh, the person with the coat like mine. Who was that? Someone important to me, I'm sure. Oh, I was just repeating myself, wasn't I? I shook the whole thing out of my head and finally looked up from my thoughts to find we'd made it to the village.

"Come on, (y/n)-san!" Melli tugged on my sleeve and pointed to one of the huts, giving me a worried look. "We're almost there, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah! Of course!" Both of my legs, multiple ribs, and one arm where broken. I wasn't okay, but I wasn't about to tell that to the poor ten-year-old, who looked like he'd lost hours of sleep worried about me before I even met him.

"Hold on one minute," he flew through the entrance, and I could hear him happily yelling to his brother from outside. "ONII-SAN! I'VE BROUGHT AN INJURED STRANGER WITH WEIRD CLOTHES THAT SHOWED UP FROM NOWHERE! I hope you don't mind!"

"Wait... MELLI YOU DID WHAT?!" A reasonable response that I assumed was from his older brother.

"Oh, and I offered them to stay with us as long as they need to recover. Oh, and she's a girl!"

"H-he never actually said... said that." I called from where I had given up and was sitting on the ground. Some alcohol sounded really nice. I'd never even had alcohol before. But in a situation like this... I'd take it.

"Please, Onii-san? Just for a little while?" I assumed Melli had won when he started cheering. "Yes! You won't regret this! (y/n)-san is really nice! And she has a partner Pokémon, too! An Eevee like yours!"

At that, apparently Melli's words had at least convinced his brother's Eevee, that came bounding out to meet my partner, that seemed to get a little nervous. I gave Ahma a pat on the head and a little nod of encouragement. Just as Ahma ran off to play with her new friend, I looked up to see Melli run out of the hut and run up to me jumping up and down.

"Yes! You get to stay with us (y/n)-san!"

I heard a sigh as a boy who seemed to be about my age, with blue and blond hair walk out of the hut and walk over and kneel in front of me. He ran his thumb across a deep cut on my face, and I winced. His eyes widened, and he pulled his hand back and looked away.

"Sorry... Can you walk?" I shook my head.

To my surprise, he picked me up bridal style and carried me into the hut, carefully setting me down on one side of the bed, then sat across from me, before turning to his younger brother.

"Go get the town doctor, Melli." His brother saluted him, then ran out into the village. I chuckled a little bit at the boy's behavior, before turning to look at the boy sitting across from me.

"So, I know I've already heard my little brother say your name, but I feel like some proper introductions are still needed, I'm Adaman, of the diamond clan" He smiled at me, and I felt my face heat up just a little, before I returned his smile and answered him.

"My name is (l/n) (y/n), and, from what I can tell, I fell from the place where the sky is bleeding lightning," Adaman sweat dropped, and I realized my description of the black hole thing probably wasn't the best.

"You mean... you fell from the space time rift?" He looked at me with a look of awe before grabbing both my hands and leaning closer to me, smiling. "You must be a gift to our world from almighty sinnoh! No wonder you're so pretty!"

My face heated up instantly. Had... had anyone ever said that to me before? I remembered people always saying things much harsher and ruder than nice and sweet. But there was one person who-

Suddenly, I heard the door to the hut open, and a smirk sounding Melli chirping, "Am I interrupting something~"

Adaman frantically stood up, glaring at his brother and explaining to the doctor what happened.

She walked over to me, and was about to say something, when she gestured to the boys to leave. Melli Just shrugged and walked out, but Adaman, who seemed to understand why he was asked to leave, got red and flustered and tried to say something, before just turning and walking away.

"We'll really need something for you to change into... those clothes are ruined! Would you be okay with wearing the diamond clan uniform for now?" As I took of the heavy jacket, I knew she'd probably seen clothes similar to it in... whatever era this was. But what I was wearing under it was like nothing she'd ever seen.

I was wearing a sports uniform of sorts. A shirt with a dark type symbol, and those same black and yellow colors, and a few sponsors on the back. The top had short sleeves with bows, and was tucked into a short skirt, over long socks just before where the skirt ended. My fight hand had a black glove, and I was wearing a pair of black high heeled boots.

It was a Galar gym leader uniform.  

The Savior of the Dark Time  (Adaman x fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now