Emma headcanons-

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Okay I'm writing some Emma headcanons (if she was your gf)
Its 4 am lez gooooo

·Every time emma sees that your sad she'll try and cheer you up with cuddles and kisses on your cheek (okay that's kinda cute ngl-)

·If she hears you swear then she'll change the subject to make you stop swearing

·One time she yelled at Ray for making fun of a sweater you were wearing

·She loves playing tag with you

·When your venting or just talking and going on about anything she'll listen no matter how long it will take

·Very, VERY affectionate

·Loves giving you hugs and cuddling with you

·Hates it when you fight with her so she ends the fight asap with a hug/cuddle

·She loves you very much that one time she made a sign that said "I love you my dear y/n" and put in on your bed so you could see it

·When your sick or not feeling well she'll do anything to make you feel better

·Every year she makes you heart-shaped cookies for Valentine's Day

·She isn't the type to get jealous if she sees you talking to another person

·She loves it when you play with her hair

Next is Ray headcanons

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