Chapter One: Lost And Found

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Sportacus was getting worried.

He hadn't seen Robbie at all today. Every once in a while he wouldn't see Robbie in town, but it was rare for Robbie to be gone all day. Usually around this time he was already scheming and plotting to run the elf out of town.

"What's wrong Sportacus?" Stephanie asked, snapping Sportacus or of his daze as she rested a hand on his arm. "Are you feeling alright?"

Sportacus jumped slightly at the sudden contact before smiling at the young girl. He had gotten so lost in his thoughts that he almost forgot that they had been playing soccer. "Oh! Sorry Stephanie. I'm just fine!" He responded quickly. "It's just that I haven't seen Robbie at all today.... I'm worried something might have happened to him."

"Huh..." Ziggy pondered aloud. "Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him around today either. Usually he's gone around causing trouble by now."

"Exactly..." Sportacus confirmed. "I think I should go check up on him. We can play more when I come back."

"Okay Sportacus! See you later!" shouted Stephanie as he flipped away.

"Bye, Sportacus!" Shouted the other children.


Sportacus was worried.

He had knocked on the hatch to Robbie's lair at least ten or maybe twenty times now to no avail.

"Rooobbie?!" He called. "Fine, then if you won't come out then I'm coming in!!!"

He hoped that that would catch his attention but still no response was heard. Not even a small sound until-


The crystal sounded. "Robbie's in trouble!" Exclaimed Sportacus as he roughly forced open the hatch. "Robbie?!" He called again and he climbed down as fast as he could.

"Agh!" Yelped a small voice as Sportacus hopped off the ladder.

"Robbie? Is that y-" He began but stopped when he saw something moving on the ground. Well, three things actually. First was small collection of metal peices strewn about the floor, second was a very angry rat and the third was very small....

"Robbie!" Sportacus's eyes went wide as he saw the rat gnash it's teeth at Robbie, who looked up at him and seemingly became even more terrified than before he had noticed his presence.

With little effort, he grabbed the rat by it's tail. It squeaked loudly and he couldn't help but notice Robbie flinch and cover his ears. Sportacus decided it best that he put the rodent outside.


As Sportacus climbed back into the bunker he immediately noticed something.

Robbie was gone.

For a moment Sportacus panicked, before he noticed something. That signature purple color stood out harshly against the bright orange fluff on the back of the recliner.

He picked up the metal peices and walked to the chair. "There you are, Robbie!" He chirped as he knelt down. Similarly to the way one would when speaking to a toddler. Yet he still had to look down at him"What happened to you? Did your machine malfunction? Is that why your injured?"

He watched as Robbie held his shoulder tightly. Quite a bit of blood staining the miniature man's palm. Robbie pressed his back into the fluffy material as far as he could. Almost as if he were trying to meld into the fluffy material.

"G-go away, Sportaflop! I don't need your help!" The villain stuttered, trying to shoo the hero.

But Sportacus new better.

"Robbie, your bleeding. You need medical attention." Sportacus reasoned. "I can't leave you here in good conscience." As he said this he noticed the villain slowly shuffling towards the corner of the chair.

He impulsively blocked Robbie's way with his hand. The small man jumped at this, turning on his heels and running the other direction, only for Sportacus to block him again with his other hand.

Robbie yelped as he accidentally rammed into Sportacus's hand with his injured shoulder. He dropped to his knees in pain, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

"Robbie!" Sportacus exclaimed quietly."I'm so sorry, Robbie. I didn't make it worse did I?" Sportacus apologized.

"I-I said don't need your help! L-leave me you blue bafoon!" Robbie stammered.

Sportacus cupped his hand around the villain in an attempt to soothe him.

"Stay back! D-don't touch me!" He squeaked warrily, attempting to back away as Sportacus nudged him into his other hand.

Sportacus's heart broke for Robbie as he felt the injured man tremble in his hand. His eyebrows furrowed with concern as diminutive man thrashed."It's alright, Robbie. I'm not going to hurt you."

"And why should I believe you! You elves are nothing but trouble!" Robbie cried weakly as he pushed himself up against Sportacus's curled fingers.

Sportacus was about to defend himself before he noticed Robbie's eyes fluttering closed. "Robbie, i need you to stay with me. You need help robbie. Your losing a lot of blood-"

"You heros are all the same....." Robbie's voice was hoarse from all the crying and yelling. "You can pretend....
to be nice...all you.....want but I....won'" He mumbled something too quiet for Sportacus to hear before slowly passing out.

Sportacus stared, confused by Robbie's words. Nothing but trouble? Pretending to be nice? Why was Robbie so terrified of him? What was Robbie's issue with elves? Did Robbie know a hero before him? What did the previous hero do to Robbie? None of it made sense to him. However, he knew one thing.

He would NOT be leaving Robbie here alone tonight.

"It's okay Robbie. I'll make sure you survive this." Sportacus assured the unconscious villain, hoping he could still hear him. So he grabbed the nearest peice of cloth he could find and tore off a strip of the fabric and wrapped it around the injury with the utmost care, before carrying the man to the ladder.

For a moment he paused. How would he get up there without dropping Robbie? It didn't take him a very long time to come up with an idea, though.

Slowly, as not to harm him, he lifted the unresponsive man to his mouth, gently but firmly pinching the back of Robbie's waistcoat between his teeth. He couldn't help but notice that, aside from the blood and sweat, Robbie smelled incredibly sweet. Almost like a red velvet cupcake. Sportacus had to wonder whether he smelled like that from all sweets he ate or if it was some sort of perfume.

He didn't linger on the thought to long, though, as he remembered what his goal was. 'Get Robbie home safely' he thought to himself over and over again as he climbed out of the bunker. Once out, he walked to the center of town, just below where he had parked his airship.

He held Robbie in hands again and called out to his airship. "LADDER!" As soon as he said the word the ladder fell for him to climb. Planning to reuse the idea from earlier, he lifted the small man to his mouth once again, but then-

He heard a confused grunt,...

a horrified gasp....

and then a loud scream...

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" Robbie cried.

This was going to be hard to explain...

A Little Help Goes A Long Way- A G/T SportaRobbie FicWhere stories live. Discover now