The "Break Up"

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Gabe was coming over he said we had to "talk". God knows what about. But I knew our relationship was in good standings, just last week he told me he wanted nothing to do with Alex anymore.

" Hey..." Gabe said, walking in the door.

" Hey babe!" I said, getting up to kiss him.

He moved away quickly to avoid the kiss.

" Well, whats your problem?" I said, angrily.

" Look, Camille, we NEED to talk. This is serious." He said.

" Okay, fine." I said, as we both sat on the couch.

"So.. after thinking about it... I still have feelings for Alex. Not just any feelings, I still love her... And I want to be with her. This was fun, what we had going, but now its gotten boring. You're clingy, and obsessive. And I can't handle that. Maybe Dana could, but not me." He said, so quickly I could barely process it.

I felt a single tear roll down my cheek.

" B- but you told me you didn't like her anymore.." I said.

" Yeah, that was last week, but over this week I did some thinking... and I just can't be with you, with her always on my mind.." Gabe replied.

" So.. are you breaking up with me?" I said, I could feel more tears roll down my cheek.

" I'm afraid so..." He said, looking down at the ground.

" Bu-" I tried to speak.

" Look, it was fun while it lasted, but I just can't handle it anymore. Im so sorry." Gabe replied.

So many thoughts were going through my mind right now. Angry, sadness, envy.

" I fucking hate you! Get out! Get out! RIGHT NOW!" I screamed, attempting to punch him.

" Calm down Cam.." Gabe said, quickly getting up.

" DON'T " CAM" ME! YOU FUCKING DICK! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed, throwing pillows at him.

" Well, thanks for understanding!" He said, sarcastically, before walking out the door.

What am I going to do now? Everyone has the boy they want, and I have no one.

Then I thought popped in my head.

I got in my car until I got to my destination.

I knocked on the door.

" He- oh... hey Camille.." Dana said, when he saw me.

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