This is my OC in my style. Her name is Lemonade Tea. And here she is in the actual style of MLP
She is a changeling! She pretends to be a Pony to fit in. She mostly stays a Pegasus around everyone, but when she's alone, or around animals or other creatures and villians like Discord and Terek she can be found in Earth Pony, Unicorn, or Alicorn form. Only Discord and the princesses (Celestia, Luna, and Cadence) know that she is a changeling and nobody more.
This is her cutie mark in any of her four secondary forms. She does love making drinks for Ponies that need it, even going as far as giving it to them for free if they don't have the bits. Her eyes are emerald green (that's the best I could do) and she mostly hangs out with the mane six.
My headcannon is that the others try to attack her when they find out her secret thinking she's a spy changeling and she runs off into the woods to protect herself and disguises herself as a rabbit so they don't find her when she hears them coming