Write a poem about a weird fact you know...
A humane head can stay alive for 20 seconds or more
After its been cut of and laying on the floor
If you senez to hard you can bracke ribs
Along time ago bandages were spider weds
A Goodyear Blimp is the official bird of place in California.
a rare pink dolphin makes its home in Louisiana
A "moonbow" is a rainbow that happens at night.
In the dark bees can't take flite
A human could swim through a blue whale's veins.
Ostrges eyes are bigger than thare brines
Alfred Hitchcock was frightened of eggs
One quarter of all your bones are located on the ends of your legs
It would only take one hour to drive to space
There's A man with scoliosis alway takes first place
Someone tried to sell New Zealand on eBay.
Route 66 is a musical freeway
So there's 15 weird facts that all know
I would have added more but I'd worry my paper would overflow
An Incomplete works of poetry
PoetryThis is the place where I will publish all of my poems.