Chapter 8 - Court of The Black God

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-Court of The Black God-

Akane's jaw clenched as he walked forward, muscles tensed, keeping a healthy distance between himself and the witch that led them. His eyes darted over the space around them, oddly luxurious in its detailing. A large chandelier hung over the central space, flickering candles extending a dim glow from above as the braziers burned in each corner of the room. He could see odd forms moving in the shadows, some human, most not, keeping their distance as they studied the new arrivals.

"You failed to mention he was a god," Akane growled, eyes levelling on a massive table set near the back wall of the chamber.

"Would you have come if I had?" Annis asked with a smirk, looking over her shoulder.

"If this goes bad, you'll be the first to die. I promise you that, witch."

"Temper temper," Annis tutted, "you have so little faith in me."

"I have none."

The trio continued on, Akane glaring at any of the figures that dared look in their direction for too long as they made their way towards the large table. There were dozens of chairs of various sizes, the largest of which was a monstrously large throne carved from what looked like a single piece of wood, stained black by time.

"You're either very brave, or very stupid to come back here Annis," a low voice muttered, reverberating through the chamber. It was oddly smooth, like sour syrup, with a vicious bite that dripped from each word.

A figure emerged from the darkness behind the table, seeming to almost glide, head nearly brushing the ceiling fifteen feet above. A tangle of black hair the consistency of oil hung down to his shoulders, a coarse beard with tiny flecks of grey dropping down across a bare and heavily muscled chest.

The god placed one giant hand on the back of the throne, pulling it back with a heavy scraping, before taking a seat at the table. It creaked under his weight, massive well-muscled and hairy arms resting on the table's surface. The only thing he wore was a pair of leather and fur pants that reached down to his feet, clearly taken from many different animals. His eyes were the most notable part of his appearance, apart from his sheer size. The eyes were solid black, a complete absence of light or colour, as he leaned forward, his gaze locked firmly on the newcomers.

Annis stooped into a low bow, her arms stretched to either side as her face nearly touched the floor.

"A thousand pardons, Lord Chernobog," she spoke with an overdone flourish, "I wish to make amends, and I bring you a great gift. I bring you Kento's servant."

The Black God's eyes shifted over to Akane, as if noticing him for the first time. He looked unimpressed. All of the mutterings from around the room died in an instant, leaving an oppressive silence that Akane could almost taste.

"So, this is the Godslayer?" he asked, voice seeming to emanate from all around them, eyes narrowing as he leaned forward, "Doesn't look like much."

"Never claimed to be much," Akane replied, meeting the god's gaze without blinking.

Chernobog's mouth broke into a small smile, unnaturally white teeth of inhuman size peeking out from behind cracked lips.

"Word is you killed a friend of mine, boy," he said, almost bored, never blinking, "Tiamat?"

The muttering filled the room once again, whispers in the dark from the shadowed corners behind thick stone pillars, but it died in an instant with a quick glance from Chernobog.

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