Chapter 45

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Naja pulled away, shaking out her fur. <Alright. Let's get this shit-show on the road.>

Each wolf went their respective way. Some were at ease, as if they had done this may times before, while some were clearly anxious, shifting their weight back and forth. I just remained by Naja's side, feeling a bit of both— scared, but confident enough in my skills. Happy, in the most sick of ways, to be here to see the downfall of Damon.

I just wanted this whole thing to be over. For my old pack— no matter how many bad memories I had— to heal. These people didn't do anything to me. It was all Damon and Axel and their horrible ways of forcing submission, loyalty. Such things cannot be forged by fear and command— even if they do, they won't last for long.

A title may be given to someone, but that does not mean the respect will be passed down with it. Unfortunately, some people believe that they can gain followers by simply being in a powerful position. Naja knew this— she has never forced a decision on any one or made them stay in her pack. She even let them leave if they wished, and protected those who needed protection.

The City Dogs wouldn't have lasted without her, Ramona had said a few nights ago, a hand on her growing stomach and a proud grin on her face. She earned each wolf's admiration through hard work and patience.

I followed Naja and her squad as they made their way deeper into the camp. The place was scarce of anyone— unnervingly quiet and calm. The hair on my nape pricked up, ears flinching at the sound of the wind and twigs snapping beneath my own paws. The main pack house came slowly into view, but still there was nothing. It was like a ghost town.

Up against the house, a bush rustled. Naja crouched down, her nose trying to catch a scent. I tensed, pressing against Naja's side, feeling my own pounding heart.

A small muzzle poked out. An ash-gray head followed, accompanied by the thin body of a pup. She stumbled forward on unsteady legs, her ears flopping, too big for her body. The pup tried her best to make her way closer to us, but tripped over her own paws and landed on the ground with a puff of dust.

The rest of our wolves relaxed a bit upon seeing such an innocent sight. Naja nudged me closer to the pup.

<Talk to her,> she said. <Try to get information.>

<You want me to interrogate a kid?> I responded, taken aback.

<Not interrogate. Just. . . inquire gently. You're the least likely to scare her out of all of us here.>

<This feels illegal for some reason,> I mumbled, but stepped forward and did as she said.

The pup was still lying on the ground, apparently distracted by a line of ants weaving through the grass. She pawed at them violently, as if confused as to why such tiny beings were so determined to stay in their formation. Her round eyes flicked up to me as I laid down a comfortable distance away.

I reached out with my mind to find the mental link for us to communicate, pressing gently as to let the pup know I was not a threat. She hesitated, then slowly opened the link just enough for me to slip through.

<Hello, little one. My name's August. What's yours?> I asked softly, lowering my head even more so I could meet her eyes.

The pup's voice was quieter than the weak breeze. <April, and Mommy's name is Jessica and Daddy's name is. . . I don't know Daddy's name.>

<That's okay. I don't know my dad's name, either,> I comforted. <Do you know where your mommy or daddy is right now?>

April shuffled her paws. <Mommy's in our room because Daddy made her cry again and she said to me to go outside and play with the visitors.>

My blood ran cold. How did she know about the us— assuming she knew the 'visitors' were us and not just her talking out of her ass? <Is your mommy hurt at all?>

<No, she's just taking a nap on the bed. I tried to wake her 'cause I wanted a snack but she was suuuuper tired and didn't wake up.>


Shit, shit, shit.

I forced myself to remain calm. <Do you know where your daddy is now?>

<Hmmm. . .> She flopped to her back, paws waving in the air. <Daddy spends a lot of time with that guy. I think they're best friends. My best friend is in the basement with her mommy though, so I can't play with her anymore.>

<April, who is 'that man?'>


<Who's your daddy's best friend?>

<Beta Axel! I don't like him though, he's mean to Mommy, too.>

<Do. . .do you know where Axel is?>

She perked up. <He's in the office a lot, like almost all day. But sometimes he's in the basement and sometimes he's outside and sometimes he's the hospital wing.>

<Yes, but where is he right now?> I nearly begged her. Why must kids never give you a straight answer when you want it?

<Don't know. He's with Daddy.>

<This is going nowhere,> Echo hissed in my mind, her eyes flattening back to her head. <I say we just break down the front doors.>

<Agreed,> I said, <but that's practically a death warrant. Besides, we've gotten some information. Let's just. . . make sure this pup is under our watch until everything's safe?>

I beckoned Naja over and she slid to my side, alert. <Any news?> she asked.

I grimaced, pulling away from April's mind so she doesn't hear our conversation. <That's an understatement. I have a guess as to who this pup's father is, and you're not going to like it.>

<That son of a bitch! How shitty can one Alpha get?> Naja cursed, baring her fangs.

<Damon's abusing his mate, too. According to this pup, he's been spending a lot of time with Axel. And putting people in the basement.>

<So, if we find the Alpha then we find the Beta? Too easy,> she growled, bloodlust glinting in her obsidian eyes.

<So, what do we do next? We don't exactly know their locations, and they may or may not be keeping their own pack hostages.>

Naja's lips pulled back even further, her canines sharp and ready to plunge into flesh. <Good ol' breaking and entering,> she said. <I'll gather the rest. On my word, you hear?>

In my mind, Echo hummed happily. <I quite like her method of doing this around here.>

I rolled my eyes. Just like peas in a pod, those two are.

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