| 002.

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 (unedited)          𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟸𝟹, 𝟸𝟷𝟶𝟾
                           𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚝𝚊𝚏𝚞, 𝙹𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚗

'Stupid teeth boy'

*Beep Beep Beep*


"Attention all passengers, we have arrived at Masutafu station, please exit carefully along the middle doors. Thank you for using the Sunrise Express."

"About damn time.." Kaseya mumbled to herself as she pushed through the crowds, some moving out of the way immediately, also getting a few looks from other passerbys who recognize her.

'Where the hell are you dad..' Kaseya thought, furrowing her eyebrows as she stretched her back out some.

"Nikuman! cOome get yer' Nikuman today!"

"..." *GroOowl* Her stomach felt nearly empty, what she saw from her nightmare ruined her appetite that morning, and she hasn't eaten since then.

She scanned the station, nearly jumping to see over the heads of crowds. Masaru was still nowhere in sight, as far as she could see atleast.

"Traffic must be heavy today.." Kaseya mumbled, digging in her smaller bag for her card. It was given to her before she left for school, Masaru and Mitsuki could transfer money to her with it.

She didn't need to use it much, shopping trips weren't big when there was always a test around the corner and a grade on the line. And the food provided was decent enough, so she rarely ate out.

"...Fuck it." She turned into the store, it was a cozy establishment with bright reds and stringed lights hung around, with many traditional paintings lining the walls.

The smell of fresh, hot food dancing under her nose, she could practically taste it.

Kaseya stepped in line behind another person. They had just gotten their order, holding up the three bags with ease..but failing to realize she was waiting behind them.

While she was shuffling through her pockets for her phone to message Masaru she's getting a bite, the boy swiveled on his heel just too close and collided into her.

*THUD* "urgh.."

Kaseya sat up on her elbow, rubbing the back of her head with a groan.

"Crap..I'm-er really sorry about that, I didn't see you there." The boy fumbled with his words, holding out his hand to pull her up.

"No harm done, but you-" She began, accepting his help and dusting herself off.

The boy interrupted loudly "GYAHH!!, Y-YOUR SHOES! I'm so so sorry miss, here, let me help!" He quickly grabbed a handful of napkins that were in one of his orders amd quickly got to work, wiping at her broth stained shoes in a panic.

"I'm so so sorry please forgive me I didn't me-" He bawled, blabbering incoherent apologies.

"Eh-that's really not necessary.." she made a face, glancing around the small establishment as she caught confused stares.

Kaseya took a moment to take in the boys appearance, he was rather bland looking to be frank. Dull, black hair with a familiarly spiky shape, red eyes, and..oddly sharp teeth. 'Strange..' she thought.

"-orry sorry sorry sorry sorry sor-" The boy wailed, still scrubbing at her shoes pathetically.

"OI, get up!" She barked, grabbing him by the shoulders and standing him upright.

"I said, it's okay. They're just shoes." She sighed, as he looked at her with a blank expression.

"Uh-here sir, your food" One of the employees smiled shyly, handing a replica of his orders in one large bag this time.

"Oh, arigato" He thanked them, the server replying with a happy hum and a bow before scurrying off to the back again.

"There, problem solved" She stepped up, glancing at the menu for anything appetizing.

"Well, I suppose, b-but WAIT, your shoes are still ruined!" The boy panicked.

"Eijirou, what's taking you so long man!?" A voice spoke from outside the establishment.
"Yeah! we're gonna miss the game, hurry up already!" Another said.

"Crap, I gotta go-uh..here!" He ripped off a peice of plastic from the top of one of his orders and activated something in his finger, hardening it into a sharp point.

Kaseya quirked her brow, moving her head to see what he was doing before the plastic was shoved into her hands.

"I'll pay you back for them, promise!" He waved, flying out of the store to catch up with his group.

'Really strange..' she thought, looking down at the peice of plastic, presumably his name and number was etched into it.

          'E. Kirishima -> ###-###-####'
                            ;) call me!

'A winky face..really?' Kaseya thought, shaking her head as she tucked the plastic into her pocket, finally looking up to order.

*BUZZ* *BUZZZ* She groaned loudly, pulling her phone out.

                <Caller ID:> :  'Pops <3'

                  <No new messages:>

                   [<15 missed calls>]

         "..."   *BUZZ* *BUZZ*   "..Shit."



"...Dad, I can exp-"


"DAD CALM DOWN WILL YOU NOONE KIDNAPPED ME!" Kaseya burst out the store as she dashed through the station, masarus voice could have been heard from the other side of town.

She glanced back at the resturant, groaning

*grOoowllLl* 'ugh..I'm gonna starve to death'

[:"THEY'RE STARVING YOU?":] Masaru yelled through the phone, causing her to pull it away from her ear with a wince.

"URGH-No Dad!" She sighed, setting her sights on what's ahead.

'All because of that stupid teeth boy..'

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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