Chapter 1 - Hey Kids

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"Come on you little bastards I haven't got all day!"

"Slow down Michael! Evan can't keep up!" the young girl huffed, grabbing her little brother's hand and rushing to catch up to the teen.

"Lizabef what's a bastard?" the young boy asked, tears welling for no apparent reason.

"Don't say that word Evan, it's a naughty word, Michael's saying bad words and I'm going to tell!" Elizabeth states, yelling at the teen at the last part.

Michael huffed, rolling his eyes as he came to a sudden stop, glaring boredly at his younger siblings.

"God you are so annoying, if you'd just hurry up I wouldn't be swearing at you, and you aren't telling dad shit if you don't want your Barbies to end up in the washing machine again!"

The young girl gasped in horror at her brother's threat. "No you CAN'T! Last time you did that my princess lost half her hair and she was ruined! Dad thought it was my fault and I got grounded and he was mad at me and-"

"Oh my god SHUT UP WILL YOU" this earned a frightened squeal from Elizabeth and she quickly went silent.

"Fucking thank you, now can you hurry-"

"OH Evan your birthday's next week, aren't you excited! You get to eat cake and open presents and you're having a party at dad's place and..." she continues her list of various birthday activities (to Michael's disdain), seemingly more excited than the birthday boy himself.

However her small rant was cut short when she heard a familiar sniffling, followed by a sob as the little boy next to her broke down into tears. "Oh dear, Evan what's the matter? Aren't you excited? Father and Uncle Henry planned all this for you..." the girl trailed off, crouching to her brother's height and wiping his tears for him. The boy continued to sniffle and sob for a minute, before calming down enough to talk. Michael, though reluctantly, stood still as he waited for the two to join him again.

"Charlie's not here anymore...she-she was i-invited and she can't go!" Evan wails again, losing any sort of composure he had before. "A-and if Charlie isn't there...then the robots will eat me!"

"Eat you?!" Elizabeth exclaimed in disbelief, wondering where Evan had picked up such an idea. Surely Charlie didn't say that, her best friend would never scare Evan like that! That is of course, when she realised where he got that idea from.

"Y'know Michael you've been awfully quiet..." she points out, glaring at her older brother, who avoided eye contact with the strangely intimidating ginger girl.

"Nuffin' to say to you that's all" he grumbles looking down, already knowing what was coming.

"Michael James Afton you're a nasty brother! How could you scare him like that! Especially near his birthday! Have you no shame!?" the girl glares at him, stomping her foot in anger and crossing her arms. It would've been a funny sight if Michael didn't know that she was perfectly capable of beating his ass.

"Oh come the fuck on, it's just a bit of harmless fun, 'sides, he's fine really he just wants attention!" Michael snaps, glaring at the boy who had indeed began to cry again, this was strike three and Michael was this close to keeping a tally chart of it.

"Oh I tell you what Michael, when dad gets home you are going to GET it!" Elizabeth shouts, pulling her younger brother into a hug.

Michael huffs again, and begins to walk away. "Yeah whatever, catch up if you actually want to be fed tonight" he yells behind him, already a far distance ahead of the two. He was feeling thankful they were nearly home.

"Hey wait up you idiot! E-Evan come on now I do want to eat please" she states grabbing her brother's hand and rushing to catch up with the teen, disregarding the boy's surprised cries.

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